Feb 28, 2019 | Education, Festivities, News, Social Welfare, Women and Seniors
Redován 28/02/2019. La concejala de Educación, Servicios Sociales y Fiestas, Nely Ruiz, ha hecho hoy balance del mandato en las diferentes áreas que gestiona. Entre ellas ha destacado que Educación “es un área fundamental y la base donde se asienta todo el crecimiento de un pueblo y la mejor herramienta de cambio para avanzar”. En este sentido la edil ha defendido las inversiones realizadas y resaltado que Redován fue uno de los primeros municipios en adherirse al plan Xarxa llibres del que se invirtieron 99.142,66 euros de los que 34.000 euros los aportó el Ayuntamiento para la adquisición de libros.
La concejala ha asegurado que “hemos apostado por la jornada continua, invirtiendo de 3.200 euros el primer año a 9.000 euros el último para la contratación de tres monitores. Asimismo 59 familias se han beneficiado de las becas de material escolar para el segundo ciclo de infantil con un importe de 5.000 euros.
Respecto a los centros educativos, en el Colegio Público Sagrados Corazones se ha reformado la pérgola del lucernario, acondicionado los aseos y vestuarios y restaurado la pista polideportiva. “En el patio hemos incorporado juegos infantiles e instalado cuatro canastas de básquet, así como la construcción de un almacén, y también hemos invertido 13.000 euros en la instalación de aire acondicionado”, ha afirmado Ruiz. En la Escuela Infantil Pasitos, también se han llevado adecuaciones en el mobiliario. La edil ha recordado que “hemos tramitado toda la documentación necesaria para adherirnos al Plan Edificant y con ello vamos a reformar el colegio Sagrados Corazones y a acometer la construcción del aulario del IES Jaime de Sant Ángel.
Por otro lado, la también responsable del área de Fiestas ha querido destacar de la concejalía las diferentes actuaciones como los concursos durante las fiestas patronales de ‘Selfies’ y Disfraces o la Fiesta de Colores, siendo “el primer Ayuntamiento en traer este evento a la comarca de la Vega Baja”. La edil ha asegurado que “el compromiso de esta concejalía ha sido siempre la unión de todos los festeros, por ello junto con la Junta Central Festera retomamos la entrada de bandas consiguiendo revalorizar un día importante como es el desfile de peñas y barracas”.
Ruiz ha destacado el impulso a actividades y eventos que fomentan las costumbres del municipio como los teatros infantiles y también campañas en favor de la tolerancia y el respeto como #ConTalento, que “con el objetivo de sensibilizar contra el alcohol, igualmente que la campaña #NoTienesMiPermiso, que ha ayudado a sensibilizar a nuestra sociedad ante la importancia de valores tan necesarios como el respeto, educación, libertad y valentía”, ha afirmado la edil.
Estas últimas campañas corresponden a los Servicios Sociales que en Redován se prestan a través de la Mancomunidad La Vega, un ente del que forma parte la localidad junto a los municipios de Algorfa, Jacarilla y San Miguel de Salinas “que nos permite compartir proyectos y gastos de manera que podemos ofrecer a la ciudadanía servicios que por parte del Ayuntamiento de Redován en solitario sería imposible ofrecer o muy caros”. Ruiz ha destacado en estos cuatro años las mejoras en las instalaciones de Servicios Sociales en la Casa del Reloj en cuya primera planta se ubica la sede de la Mancomunidad y la mejora de los servicios “con más días de atención e incremento de servicios como la Agencia de Igualdad, Servicio de Inclusión Social, Adisex Jove y próximamente el área de juventud y ocio educativo”.
En cuanto a los servicios que se prestan “el incremento del gasto que ha llegado a los 228.267,60 euros, ha permitido atender 1.151 expedientes de ayudas para familias”, y la edil también ha indicado que se ha incrementado el personal “para hacer una atención más integral y especializada”. Nely Ruiz ha comentado que el aumento de servicios y personal no ha supuesto que suba de manera considerable el gasto del Ayuntamiento “ya que las subvenciones que recibe la Mancomunidad de la Conselleria ha aumentado un 323%, alcanzando los 559.840 euros en 2018”.
De este modo la atención se ha extendido a todos los colectivos con apoyo a la dependencia, atención a domicilio, actividades para personas mayores, talleres dirigidos exclusivamente a mujeres e iniciativas como la ‘areola solidaria’ de apoyo a las mujeres con cáncer de mama. Para terminar, Ruiz ha dado cuenta de los servicios de atención social específica a través del Equipo de Intervención con Infancia y Adolescencia; la Oficina Pangea de Atención a Personas Migrantes; la Unidad de Prevención Comunitaria de Conductas Adictivas; el Servicio de Atención Jurídica; Agencia de Igualdad; Servicio para la Prevención e Inclusión Social y Servicio de Atención a la Diversidad y Sexualidad para Jóvenes.
Activities of the month of the woman
Nely Ruiz has taken advantage of his appearance to announce the start, tomorrow, of the activities of the month of March, a month dedicated to women beyond the celebration of the International Day on March 8. This afternoon will begin the activities in the pool “that will be free every Friday in March, at eight thirty in the afternoon”, while on Sunday at 11.30 am “we will celebrate at the City Hall an act that has been taking place for a few years and that supposes the recognition to a woman of our town by its personal and labor trajectory, and this year the distinguished woman is Margarita Monera Martinez “, has concluded the councilor.
Feb 18, 2019 | Councils News, Municipal Services, Infraestructures, parks and gardens, News
Francisco Martínez emphasizes that his department works hand in hand with the rest of the areas of the City Council in the realization of any event
The Councilor for Municipal Services, Works and Parks and Gardens of the City Council of Redován, Francisco Martínez, today took stock of the mandate at the head of a department that, as he himself highlighted, “carries out all the tasks aimed at having the people of Redova services, the environment and amenities they deserve in their daily lives. ” Martinez has been accompanied in his appearance by the mayor, Emilio Fernandez, who has highlighted “the necessary involvement of the departments that during this mandate has directed Francisco Martínez in virtually all the organization of events in our municipality in addition to the work of each of they”.
The mayor recalled that until January 1, when the new water and sewer service contract of Redován entered into force, it has been his area that has been responsible for this management, “something that has taken us a large part of our time and effort. ” As an example, he has set up the cleaning and repairs of the sewage and rainwater network, “a daily challenge taking into account the conditions of the land in Redován, with the mountain, the barrages and the runoffs”.
Municipal Services has assumed, among others, the works of accessibility, maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, potholes, covers and sewer and storm drains, as well as any damage that has appeared on the streets, while in parks and gardens Francisco Martínez has spoken of the tasks of pruning, planting and irrigation, as well as the control of pests and fumigations. Enabling the operation of municipal sources or children’s games in these leisure and recreation spaces has been the subject of the work of the area, as well as the control and elimination of pests. “It seems that no, but the work of disinfection, disinfestation and deratization is very important,” said the mayor, who added that not only is important “but essential to maintain cleanliness and healthiness in our streets and below them.”
“It has been necessary the work of many people, teammates, technicians of this house and workers of the brigade, professionals who every day do everything possible and are dedicated to the welfare of citizenship.” In this way he has spoken of the collaboration and help of the Local Police in the Department of Signaling, from where the painting of streets, parking areas, placement and replacement of traffic signs, etc. is managed.
In the cemetery section cleaning and maintenance has been carried out as well as citizen attention to any questions, while in public lighting has been launched telemanagement and maintenance of equipment and lighting, as well as coordination with the company in charge of repairs and improvements. “We develop the work that allows problems, large or small day to day, are resolved quickly and effectively”, while Martinez has reported other specific actions such as the finishing, painting and placement of drains of the steeple of Barrio San Carlos, the painting of the fronton court and other sports facilities, the agreement with the company that performs the collection of domestic oil, the improvements in different places such as Francisco Ferrer, where the calisthenics zone or the Valencian and Príncipe Community squares were installed of Asturias, “but above all we emphasize the cooperation with the different councils in the preparation of festive, cultural or sports activities”.
Francisco Martinez has outlined the “horizontality” of the Department of Municipal Services “because it shares work and needs with other areas, covering their needs.” Finally it has concluded with the actions carried out in Health, with different repairs in the medical office, replacement of furniture as well as the campaigns that have been developed in collaboration with other administrations.
Dec 10, 2018 | Commerce, News
The councilman of Markets, Ramon Lopez, highlights the resurgence of this municipal souk after the various improvement interventions of recent years Redován
The Plaza de Abastos de Redován has become beautiful to receive the Christmas season, one of the most outstanding each year for local commerce. The City Council has completed the reform of the market, a building of municipal ownership in which it has proceeded in recent weeks to adapt the toilets to people with reduced mobility and interior repainting, with a total investment of 6,795 euros.
The councilor of Markets, Ramón López Escarabajal, explains that “the 4,995 euros that have been allocated to works in public services come from a grant from the Provincial Council, while the Consistory has invested 1,800 euros more in the repair of the cover and the interior painting of the plaza.
” The mayor has assured that it was a “very necessary” work and has announced that for the future “we will continue making the investments that are still needed in this municipal space”. Lopez Escarabajal stressed that the traders settled in the square, a dozen at the moment, “are very satisfied with the three interventions made during the current municipal mandate, because they have also noticed that the influx of public facilities has risen.”
The Plaza de Abastos redovanense has fishmonger, butcher, charcuterie, drugstore, greengrocer, lingerie and fashion establishments, and its opening hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon.
Jul 16, 2018 | Finances, News, Transparency and citizen Participation
Redován 16/7/2018. The design of the Municipal Budget of Redován for next year 2019 is underway and with it starts, as it did last year, the process of Participatory Budgeting. The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, and the Councilor for Finance and Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester, today presented this initiative that both have assessed as “very positive” after the experience of 2018. In fact, the government of the Republic of Cordoba has decided to increase the amount in budget to the proposals made by the citizenship to 40,000 euros. This way it is foreseen to invest a minimum of 40,000 euros to the projects that are presented (last year they were 30,000) and the possibility of increasing this figure is left open “taking into account the different spending commitments that the City Council has assumed”, said the mayor of Finance.
Adrián Ballester has been in charge of explaining the four phases of the process, the first of which, of collecting proposals, is already underway. “In it people registered in Redován may submit up to three proposals, with an explanation of each of them and an estimated budget,” said Ballester, who recalled that everything is done through the web ‘http: // budget .redovan.es’. The proposals can not exceed 40,000 euros and the decree of the Mayor’s office that regulates the participatory budget establishes that it will be taken into account that they can be carried out by the City Council and not by other administrations or organizations. “The first phase will be open until September 14,” said Ballester.
From September 15 to October 14 will enter the second phase, in which municipal technicians will assess the legal, technical and economic feasibility of each proposal and will be published accepted. From there the people registered in the platform will be able to vote on the finalist proposals and it has been established on November 5 to finalize the project with the fourth and final phase, which will consist in publishing the proposals by voting order.
The mayor of Finance and Citizen Participation has also said that they can also take part in the process “those people who do not have technological means to register on the platform and make proposals, since they can also be done in the voting phase, in person, in the City Council of Redován “. “It is also very important, you can participate with any mobile phone entering the web.”
The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, has been satisfied with the implementation of the Participatory Budget again “because we can not forget that the Municipal Budget is the most important economic tool of a municipal government to show its government action, and in this case to empower the citizen and also be able to propose the improvements he considers appropriate that should be made in his municipality. ”
Fernandez recalled the proposals that were won last year and that have already materialized in part, “it is about the scholarships for conducting professional music studies; the completion of computer courses for adults and the improvement of tennis facilities. ”
Thus, has specified that “although from the City we are very in contact with associations and groups of our municipality, as well as with neighbors in general, we want their ideas are recorded in this platform and that we are all registered in Redován which let’s decide which are the ones our people most need “, Fernández concluded.
Oct 27, 2017 | Finances, News
Redován 10/27/2017 The average period of payment to suppliers is reduced again in the City Council of Redován during the third quarter of the year. Based on data recently validated by the Ministry of Finance, the Consistory has paid in the last three months a total amount of 574,061 euros which has paid to companies working for the local administration in an average term of 8.41 days.
Councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester, recalls that the period of payment of invoices has been gradually reduced during the current corporate mandate, going from an average of 44 days in 2015 to 11 days last February and until achieving arrive at 8.41 days of the quarter that has just ended. Ballester said that “not only has it been possible to comply with the law, but we have managed to reduce the deadlines to the maximum, becoming one of the municipalities that is less effective in making payments throughout the province.” Thus, he assures that this is the “obligation of any government to the companies with which it works, to which we have to generate confidence by paying for the work done in the shortest period of time possible.”
As a matter of fact, in 2011 it took 483 days to comply with this obligation to pay for the work done for the municipality, “it was something that we could not tolerate, so we set ourselves the target and now we can say with satisfaction that we have fulfilled it a lot “, concluded the head of the local redovanense treasury.
Participatory budget
On the other hand, the Councilor for Citizen Participation, recalled that Monday is the last day to vote on proposals that have been finalists in the Participatory Budget launched since the Consistory last August. At the moment, the proposals that have obtained the most votes are those related to launching a series of scholarships for musical studies and the eradication of the allochthonous flora of the Sierra de Redován. Adrián Ballester remembers that the voting can be through the page https://presupuesto.redovan.es/ or personally in the City council, and that the commitment of the local government is to include the most votes in the budgets of 2018.