Redován approves in the last month more than 20,000 euros in grants for associations and groups

The Redován City Council has approved in the last month of December 20,500 euros in grants that will be distributed among associations and groups of the municipality. This amount is a quarter of what the municipality allocates to help local entities, since during the year the rest have been approved as the justification has been received from the associations. In total there are 108,000 euros those that go to help the groups.

As regards the destination of the grants, grants have been approved in the last month to the Dance Group Cultural Association, Cantera Express Cycling Club, Peña Blaugrana, MTB Club, Ampa Rebdan, Brotherhood Piedad, Ampa Colegio Sagrados Corazones, Paloma Club, Club of Fishing, Board of Directors of Festera, Association of Friends of the Elderly Club, Asociación Aracelia and the Association of Women.

The mayor, Nely Ruiz, explained that “the associative fabric of the municipality is very important because thanks to the Redován associations it is a live town all year round, where we celebrate a multitude of activities in which all the neighbors participate.”

For his part, the councilor of the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, highlighted “the involvement of all areas of the government team so that aid reaches all groups, with the improvement of activities that are carried out every year.”

Likewise, the mayor has advanced that “our goal is to continue along this line and help more if possible to all groups and, if possible, that more neighbors are encouraged to participate in the activities carried out and integrate into some association or club ”.

The City Council of Redován gives a total of 36 grants year in which all the associations, clubs and cultural, educational, and other groups are represented.

The Budget of Redován for 2019 freezes taxes and fees and maintains all social aid

The City Council of Redován will take to plenary the next Monday the municipal budget of 2019, a vital document for the operation of any city council that in the case of Redovanense is being worked on since October by the Department of the Treasury. Its head, Adrián Ballester, has ensured that the budget, amounting to 5,050,153.65 euros, is “realistic, with the same forecast of expenses as income and with the intention that the year ends with a positive result as in the last seven years. ” Direct taxes and taxes such as IBI, IVTM, goodwill, Economic Activities Tax, garbage, water and sewage, schools and sports facilities are frozen and bonuses are maintained for social groups. Ballester has indicated that “we have increased the subsidies to all the associations and groups of the municipality”.

The councilor, who has presented the document together with the mayor, Emilio Fernandez, commented that the forecast of income is 17.56% lower than in 2018, a reduction motivated mainly by the entry into force, on January 1, of the service of potable water and sewerage that Hidraqua will manage and that supposed 800,000 euros a year to the municipal coffers. “In addition, we must add that in 2018 the income of 380,000 euros from the Works and Services Plan of the Provincial Council was budgeted, so both amounts add up to almost 1.2 million.” In any case, it is expected that the budget execution for 2019 will be similar to that of the year ending now, exceeding 6 million euros, “because credits such as the water contract fee and the execution of the projects inherent to the tender document will be incorporated. said contract, as well as the execution of the study room that is underway, “he recalled.

Income by chapter

By chapters, in the reference to income and taxes there is a decrease of 15.87% in taxes due to the fact that the taxes charged by the City Council are frozen, including the tax rate of the IBI. “The data is real, offered by Suma Gestión Tributaria”, said Adrián Ballester, who has indicated that indirect taxes will be up to 117,946.97 euros due to the forecast of the ICIO (Tax on Buildings, Installations and Works) , which amounts taking into account the evolution during 2018 and the activation of different projects that will be executed next year. With respect to the rates, the income forecast also decreases, 39.33% in this case leaving the figure at 1,017,723.78 euros, a collection that decreases because the drinking water rates will not be paid for the arrival of the new company.

Chapter IV of Current Transfers increases the State’s collection, Redován counts on its inclusion in the Municipal Cooperation Fund of the Generalitat Valenciana, and does not budget all the subsidies that are expected to be received during the year of the Provincial Council of Alicante in terms of firefighters, local development, garbage collection or culture, among others. Capital income (Chapter V) decreased by 21.47%, no income from disposals and investments is foreseen, while in capital transfers it is expected to value them based on the amounts allocated by the County Council to the municipality for the extension of the Via Ferrata. There is no expected income from financial assets or credit operations.

Expenses per chapter

Regarding expenses, the personnel costs rise by 48,430 euros for the salary increase foreseen for public employees “and also because it is preparing a list of jobs (RPT) that will lead to the creation of new positions and more spending on personnel “Ballester said.

In Chapter II of expenses in goods, services and current transfers, it decreases by 25.15% due to the indirect management of the drinking water and sewerage service. Ballester has stopped at this point to indicate that in 2010, this chapter amounted to 3.2 million Consistory, lowered in the following years to reach in 2019 to 2.1 million, a 47.28% of the total municipal budget . Financial expenses fall by 7,000 euros for 2018 and current transfers rise by 10.47% to 528,723.21 euros. “This is due to the increase in subsidies to all associations in the municipality, as well as the Commonwealth of Social Services La Vega,” said the council.

Redován will have a contingency fund of 50,000 euros for the fourth consecutive year to face unforeseen events and 184,209.84 euros will be allocated to real investments. The most important item in this chapter is 88,309.84 euros for the third floor of the Center for the Elderly, while 21,300 euros will also be invested in lighting installation on public roads and roads. “We remember that 40,000 euros correspond to the participatory budget, a process that we carried out again this year and won the Musical Union of Redován, which will allocate the money to the purchase of material and that is included in the expenses for capital operations”. Investments are added to other projects that were presented to this participatory budget, such as the closing of the Plaza de la Cruz.

These will be the investments charged to the municipal treasury, “an amount that is expected to expand to 2.5 million euros” through the Provincial Council, with 500,000 euros in investment not contemplated in budget but will be implemented in projects such as arrangements in the Camino del Rincón to solve the fall of stones in the Sierra, reform of the Los Pasos sports hall, the rain collector Pascual Martínez street at the intersection with Mulagar, another 125,000 euros to improve the sanitation of Pascual Martinez and the extension of Via Ferrata. Redován will also have a strong investment, 1.8 million euros in water and sewerage through the concessionaire of the water service, and 300.00 euros in the Study Room.

Finally in Chapter IX of financial liabilities, with 469,063.64 euros to amortize capital of the loan that the City Council has of the first Payment Plan to Suppliers, the same amount as the year that ends. “A balanced budget that has all the favorable technical reports and that complies with budget stability and spending rule,” Ballester said.

Water contract

For his part, the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, reminded all residents that on January 1 the new water contract will come into force “with the main objective of improving the service that has been provided until now”. Hidraqua will be the company that will be in charge of providing the service and will have a customer service office in front of the Town Hall, “an office that will open from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Thursday evenings in order to facilitate the managements, in addition to that there will be 24-hour telephone service and virtual office “. Emilio Fernandez has specified that during the first year of the service will be installed telelectura to users in addition to numerous renovations in the drinking water network in streets such as Jesus Jordá and December 6 to Pascual Martínez and La Paz street, “where the supply and improve water quality “, as well as the change of old connections of the urban area.

The concessionaire will review the network in search of leaks and a review of meters and connections will be made to avoid fraud, among other things, such as the cleaning of 100% of the sewerage network. Emilio Fernández highlighted the environmental commitment of the company with Redován, “since it will make available to the service two electric vehicles in addition to a series of actions in the Paraje de la Ermita in order to promote the conservation of the biodiversity of the recreational area, optimize their sustainability and improve facilities for recreational and social use, “the councilor concluded.

A total of 338 people participate in the proposals of the Participatory Budgets of Redován

The Redován Participatory Budgeting process has concluded with a “resounding success” over the previous year and is an “example of democratic participation”, said the mayor of Finance, Citizen Participation and promoter of this initiative, Adrián Ballester, that “we have tripled the number of participants”.

The Redovanese councilor feels “very satisfied” because of the 338 people who have participated this year through the online platform, a total of 274 people have cast their vote “for the municipality to grow and do it with the help of the citizens and the associative fabric of the locality “. This year the winning proposal was the one proposed for the Musical Union school of Redován, with a total of 222 votes. The total amount that will be allocated in 2019 will be 40,000 euros and, among the requests of this proposal, is the renovation and acquisition of educational, instrumental and didactic equipment.

Ballester wanted to praise the work of dissemination and the effort of the Musical Union to get this economic game. “I congratulate the whole family of the music school since they have done an excellent campaign and it is an example of what needs to be done in participatory budgets”. In this regard, the mayor recalled that “we will continue to encourage all residents of Redován to be participants in the budgets.”

As for the proposals that have not received so many votes, there is the realization of a trade fair that can attract people from other locations and make the local products known with 4 votes. “It’s a proposal that we find interesting and we hope to develop it next year,” said Ballester.

In services and infrastructures the remodeling of Francisco Ferrer Plaza with more areas of games and shade that has obtained 3 votes, or the change of lawn and furniture of the Plaza Miguel Hernández with 1 vote is proposed. In addition, a proposal calls for the closure of parks to prevent vandalism at night with 13 votes and the closing of the Plaza de la Cruz with 5 votes. “The issue of enclosure of parks we have it very much in mind since we have done some and we will continue with this work for those places that do not have it,” said Ballester.

In social policies the organization of therapeutic workshops that has obtained 3 votes is proposed, besides the realization of courses of English and Valencian in different official levels with 1 vote. In this regard, the mayor of the Treasury explained that “these courses have already been launched, as is the case of the Valencian, whose places have been completed.”

Lastly, in sports the construction of padel courts has been considered, which has obtained 13 votes and the remodeling of the costumes of the Antonio Pascual Gil Duana municipal soccer field with 8 votes. As for the padel courts Ballester has advanced that by 2019 “we are going to ask for a subsidy to the Provincial Council of Alicante to do them and we hope that the residents of Cadiz can enjoy these highly demanded facilities”.

Adrián Ballester recalled that from the Redovanese government team “we are willing to analyze and study all the finalist proposals, because they seem coherent and if we can we will carry them out”. In this regard, he assured that “we do not rule out carrying out actions with any idea that, although it has not won, is worthy of being put into operation”. Ballester said that “we are very satisfied with the work we have done and we thank all the people who have participated in their dedication and enthusiasm to believe in this project and be part of the changes that materialize in the town.”

The Participatory Budgets of Redován enter its second phase with 25 neighborhood proposals

Servicios e Infraestructuras is the area where more actions are planned, followed by Fiestas, Culture, Tourism and Youth

The Councilor for Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester, recalls that the finalist proposals may be voted as of October 15

The Participatory Budget of Redován entered yesterday in its second phase once the deadline for submitting proposals has expired. The people who have registered on the platform set up by the City Council ( have proposed a total of 25 action proposals for the municipality divided into different areas. The councilor for Citizen Participation and Finance, Adrián Ballester, has indicated that until next October 14 the technicians will be responsible for evaluating the proposals of the citizenship and recalled that “from 15
of this month, the redovanenses we will have to vote which are the ones we like the most so that the winners can be included in the Municipal Budget of 2019. ”

The City Council of Redován has increased this year the economic amount to allocate to the Participatory Budget, to 40,000 euros, “since we consider it very important to be able to realize the needs that our neighbors see for the municipality,” said Ballester. The mayor added that when voting the finalist proposals, as well as to present it, “you can vote both through the web platform and in person at City Hall, where they will be given the necessary help to register and vote.”

As for the areas that have received the most requests are the services, infrastructure, environment and parks and gardens with 10 proposals, among which is the Menéndez Pelayo street arrangement, accessibility on the sidewalks and pedestrian crossings of the municipality or the improvements in different places like Francisco Ferrer, de la Cruz and Miguel Hernández among other things. Second, there are the proposals for parties, culture, tourism and youth with ideas such as the creation of a trade fair, the renovation of educational equipment for the School of Music of the Musical Union, the creation of a multi-purpose room in the building of the Third Age and environmental education workshops in the mountains.

In citizen security, the possibility of installing cameras in different points that monitor and serve as a deterrent to people who intend to commit a crime, while in the section on employment and training requires that parents and educators of schools municipal sports are trained in first aid. Sports is another of the areas with more proposals such as the construction of padel courts, remodeling of the municipal football field, the recovery of the municipal gym or making a circuit between El Rincón and Callosa de Segura to practice sports.

Ballester said that it is “real and feasible proposals that can be voted as of October 15”. Users who are already registered may do so through the web. That is why he has encouraged “those who want to continue participating in successive phases to register” while being satisfied because there are more than a hundred persons registered in Redován who have already registered.

Regarding the phases, at present it is the municipal technicians who will assess the legal, technical and economic feasibility of the proposals received to vote on the finalists between the 15th and the 31st of October. The results of the voting will be published on November 5 and the winning projects will be included in the Municipal Budget of the City Council of Redován 2019.

Redován again reduces the average period of payment to suppliers, leaving it in an average of only eight days

Redován 10/27/2017 The average period of payment to suppliers is reduced again in the City Council of Redován during the third quarter of the year. Based on data recently validated by the Ministry of Finance, the Consistory has paid in the last three months a total amount of 574,061 euros which has paid to companies working for the local administration in an average term of 8.41 days.

Councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester, recalls that the period of payment of invoices has been gradually reduced during the current corporate mandate, going from an average of 44 days in 2015 to 11 days last February and until achieving arrive at 8.41 days of the quarter that has just ended. Ballester said that “not only has it been possible to comply with the law, but we have managed to reduce the deadlines to the maximum, becoming one of the municipalities that is less effective in making payments throughout the province.” Thus, he assures that this is the “obligation of any government to the companies with which it works, to which we have to generate confidence by paying for the work done in the shortest period of time possible.”

As a matter of fact, in 2011 it took 483 days to comply with this obligation to pay for the work done for the municipality, “it was something that we could not tolerate, so we set ourselves the target and now we can say with satisfaction that we have fulfilled it a lot “, concluded the head of the local redovanense treasury.

Participatory budget

On the other hand, the Councilor for Citizen Participation, recalled that Monday is the last day to vote on proposals that have been finalists in the Participatory Budget launched since the Consistory last August. At the moment, the proposals that have obtained the most votes are those related to launching a series of scholarships for musical studies and the eradication of the allochthonous flora of the Sierra de Redován. Adrián Ballester remembers that the voting can be through the page or personally in the City council, and that the commitment of the local government is to include the most votes in the budgets of 2018.