Redován hosts this Wednesday the ‘Citizen Forum’ of the territorial agreement of the Vega Baja
The social center of the Third Age of Redován will host this Wednesday, starting at 19.00 hours, the ‘Citizen Forum’ of the territorial agreement of the Vega Baja. This meeting is organized within the framework of the Territorial Agreement on Employment and Local Development, with the collaboration of the Department of Employment of the Consistory.
The objective is to promote citizen participation through the analysis of topics of interest for the development of our territory, weaknesses and strengths around employment, training and innovation. “It is a forum with capacity for analysis in which it is trying to draw objective conclusions about the employability needs in the region”, assured the Councilor for Employment, Maite Martínez, and added that “these conclusions will seek to develop policies of concrete employment defining the productive sectors in which to act “.
The guidelines that are being carried out are drawn from the ‘Practical guide for the realization of territorial diagnostics for the promotion of employment’, prepared by the University of Valencia and coordinated by the Vice-rector of Participation and Territorial Projection, Jorge Hermosilla. The Vice-rector of Students and Employment of the University of Alicante, Nuria Grané, coordinates the supervision tasks of this study, which has a grant from Servef.
The conclusions drawn from consensus will be reflected in the final document of the study of the territorial diagnosis, which is being prepared from December 2016.
Martinez recalled that the forum is aimed at all citizens who want to express their opinion and encouraged the neighbors of the region to participate to “propose ideas for the development of our territory.” Those interested in obtaining more information can get in touch through the Economic Development Consortium of Vega Baja (Convega).