Redován increases by 10,000 euros the budget for projects presented by the public

Redován 16/7/2018. The design of the Municipal Budget of Redován for next year 2019 is underway and with it starts, as it did last year, the process of Participatory Budgeting. The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, and the Councilor for Finance and Citizen Participation, Adrián Ballester, today presented this initiative that both have assessed as “very positive” after the experience of 2018. In fact, the government of the Republic of Cordoba has decided to increase the amount in budget to the proposals made by the citizenship to 40,000 euros. This way it is foreseen to invest a minimum of 40,000 euros to the projects that are presented (last year they were 30,000) and the possibility of increasing this figure is left open “taking into account the different spending commitments that the City Council has assumed”, said the mayor of Finance.

Adrián Ballester has been in charge of explaining the four phases of the process, the first of which, of collecting proposals, is already underway. “In it people registered in Redován may submit up to three proposals, with an explanation of each of them and an estimated budget,” said Ballester, who recalled that everything is done through the web ‘http: // budget’. The proposals can not exceed 40,000 euros and the decree of the Mayor’s office that regulates the participatory budget establishes that it will be taken into account that they can be carried out by the City Council and not by other administrations or organizations. “The first phase will be open until September 14,” said Ballester.

From September 15 to October 14 will enter the second phase, in which municipal technicians will assess the legal, technical and economic feasibility of each proposal and will be published accepted. From there the people registered in the platform will be able to vote on the finalist proposals and it has been established on November 5 to finalize the project with the fourth and final phase, which will consist in publishing the proposals by voting order.

The mayor of Finance and Citizen Participation has also said that they can also take part in the process “those people who do not have technological means to register on the platform and make proposals, since they can also be done in the voting phase, in person, in the City Council of Redován “. “It is also very important, you can participate with any mobile phone entering the web.”

The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, has been satisfied with the implementation of the Participatory Budget again “because we can not forget that the Municipal Budget is the most important economic tool of a municipal government to show its government action, and in this case to empower the citizen and also be able to propose the improvements he considers appropriate that should be made in his municipality. ”

Fernandez recalled the proposals that were won last year and that have already materialized in part, “it is about the scholarships for conducting professional music studies; the completion of computer courses for adults and the improvement of tennis facilities. ”

Thus, has specified that “although from the City we are very in contact with associations and groups of our municipality, as well as with neighbors in general, we want their ideas are recorded in this platform and that we are all registered in Redován which let’s decide which are the ones our people most need “, Fernández concluded.