Redován begins a month of March full of activities in commemoration of International Women’s Day

  • Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco has been elected Woman Worker of Redován 2020 and will be named in the institutional act held on March 7th
  • More than a dozen activities aimed at claiming the figure of women in the municipality and the promotion of equality between men and women

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, together with the Councilor for Social Welfare, Women and Equality, Marisol Ibáñez, have carried out this morning the presentation of activities organized by this area to commemorate March 8, International Women’s Day. “We have prepared a month full of activities aimed at promoting the union of women in the municipality, but which are also aimed at raising awareness among all Redovans towards the achievement of equality, much needed in society,” said the councilor.

These workshops, meetings, theatrical performances, trips and activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Alicante, the Social Services and the Equality Agency of the Commonwealth of La Vega, as well as the Women’s Association of Redován and the Provincial Rural Association of Women and Disabled Women (ARACELIA).

The mayor has invited the entire population, and especially the women of Redován, to participate in these programmed activities so that, as she has said, “they can know each other and themselves, empower and claim the figure of women as a collective.”

A March full of activities

The program of activities will begin on Tuesday, February 25 with the workshop in school hours ‘Educating in values’ for the students of CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. In the same way, “the Judo Club of Redován, to whom we appreciate their involvement,” explained the councilor, “will be in charge of giving a workshop for women’s self-defense, which will begin on Tuesday, day 3 in the social center of the 3rd age and will be developed throughout the month of March ”.

On Thursday 5, also in the social center, the Sorority workshop ‘Between women’ will take place from 8:00 pm, while on Friday 6 the ‘Women’s dinner’ will take place in the Thámesis rooms, with a price stipulated of 25 euros. “Those interested can sign up by contacting the Women’s Association of Redován or the Aracelia association,” said Ibáñez.

The most emotional moment will take place in the institutional act in recognition of the Working Woman of Redován, who this year has fallen to the person of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco. The mayor stressed that “it is an appointment that highlights the dedication and work that women of Redován do every day in all areas of life, and to which from this City Council we want to give all the importance it deserves ” The appointment of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco will be made official by the first mayor on Saturday, March 7 from 6:00 p.m. in the Plenary Hall of the City Council.

On Tuesday, the 10th, at 10:00 a.m., the CEIP Sagrados Corazones schoolchildren will be able to enjoy the play for Equality ‘I go with me’, while on Thursday the 12th there will be a laughter therapy workshop in the social center of the 3rd age, starting at 8:00 p.m. Also, on Saturday, March 14, “a trip to spend the day in the city of Murcia will take place, leaving from the Plaza de la Paz in Redován at 10:00 am, and to which any woman interested in the City Hall itself ”, explained Ibáñez. You can also request information for this excursion on the phones 652 100 615 and 644 229 937.

The women of Redován may also attend a women’s empowerment workshop on Monday, September 16, at the Social Services headquarters of the municipality, starting at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday 18 there will be occasion to enjoy a session of Latin salsa and bachata dances in the social center of the 3rd age at 20:00 hours, where at the same time and the same place, but on Thursday, March 26, you will have place a workshop on female sexuality by Adisex, the service of attention to diversity and sexuality of the Commonwealth of La Vega.

A trip to Valencia scheduled for Sunday 29 coordinated by the Women’s Association of Redován, with scheduled departure from Miguel Hernández square at 7:00 am heading to the capital of Turia, and the activity ‘Human libraries’ on Monday, the 30th , addressed to IES student Jaime de Sant Àngel during school hours, will put an end to this full month full of commemorative activities.

Redován also holds several workshops throughout the year, such as ‘Dona Salud’, coordinated by the Aracelia association. In this way, the practice of sports such as Zumba (Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.) and Pilates (Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.) is also encouraged, also in the San Carlos neighborhood on Mondays and Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.)

Open the deadline for participation of the III edition of the National Pasodoble Contest “Villa de Redován”

  • The prizes, up to 1,500 euros, will be announced at the concert scheduled for June 27 at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music

The Councilor for Culture of the City Council of Redován, Clara Ezcurra, has announced that the deadline for sending works to participate in the National Contest of Pasodoble Composition “Villa de Redován”, which this year celebrates its third edition, is already open , and whose bases were approved last Friday at the Local Government Board.

The deadline for submission of the original and unpublished compositions of the pasodoble concert mode will be Friday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. Of the works received, a jury composed of three members of recognized prestige within the world of music will make a previous selection of four compositions, which will be performed by the Musical Union of Redován in a concert at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music on next Saturday June 27th.

It will be there where the pasodobles winners are announced, being the first prize of 1,000 euros and diploma, whose name will decide the Musical Union, and 500 euros and diploma for the second. The third and fourth prizes will also receive nominative distinctions. The musical group will also decide with its vote the piece deserving a special mention.

The participation bases, with the requirements and way of sending the works are available at the Electronic Headquarters of the City of Redován. Any questions or requests for information may be directed by email to the address, or by phone 635 59 30 22.

Redován informs its neighbors of the procedure for the regularization of homes in its municipal district

  • The City Council calls a meeting to give an account of the actions carried out to adapt to the legislation the constructions out of management

The City Council of Redován held an informative meeting in the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda social center yesterday afternoon, which aimed to make known to the neighbors the actions and procedures initiated by the town hall for the regularization of homes in the pending municipality of adaptation to the reform of the urban planning regulations of the Valencian Community.

The meeting, attended by more than 60 people, was attended by the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the councilors of the government team. Thus, the mayor of Urban Planning, José Nájar, told the neighbors of the state of processing in which this process of regularization developed by the City Council is found according to Law 1/2019 that reforms Law 5/2014 of Ordination of Territory, Urban Planning and Landscape and with the collaboration of homeowners.

In this way, the councilor informed the attendees that the first phase of this procedure, which encompasses all homes within a Special Impact Reduction Plan and that includes “the preparation of a descriptive report of the current situation of the municipality , with the location of the constructions and a landscape integration study ”, it is almost finished.

This report has been carried out with the support of the Municipal Technical Office and two external offices specialized in the field. Once concluded, this report “may be consulted by the residents of Redován on the bulletin board of the municipal electronic site and on the City Council website, before its approval by the Plenary,” explained Nájar. Subsequently, this special plan will be submitted to the Autonomic Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility for approval.

Likewise, Nely Ruiz said that “it is very important for me as mayor and for this government team to keep our neighbors informed of all the actions carried out by their City Council, in addition to facilitating the completion of procedures to the extent possible ”, especially“ on an issue as important as this, which affects more than 400 families in the municipality, ”she concluded.

Redován awards the drawing prizes “Las abarcas desertas” of the Sagrados Corazones public school

  • The event, which celebrates its tenth edition this year, has had the participation of 79 children from the center, who attend 3rd grade

Last Friday afternoon, at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda cultural center in Redován, the awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the drawing contest “Las abarcas desiertas” was held, organized by the Miguel Hernández Chair of the UMH university, the councilors of Culture and Education of the Redován City Council, the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and the Sagrados Corazones school in the municipality.

In this way, the four elementary school students who won the prize, consisting of a batch of school products, have been José Miguel Gómez Sigüenza (class A); Alejandro Rives Guirao (class B); Diana Cortegano Pérez (class C), and Verónica Peral Bascuñana (class D).

The winning works were selected last December by the jury composed of José Luis Ferris, director of the Miguel Hernández Chair; Marisol Ibáñez, Councilor for Education; Clara Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture; Aitor Larrabide, director of the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation, and Mª Amparo Puertas, director of the center.

Both councilors conveyed their congratulations to the finalist students, “and especially to the four winners of this contest,” said Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture, “which brings the figure of the poet Miguel Hernández to our schoolchildren.” For his part, Marisol Ibáñez, mayor of Education, highlighted the high quality of the 79 works presented, “which have shown great talent this year and have made the choice of finalist drawings very difficult.”

Redován approves in the last month more than 20,000 euros in grants for associations and groups

The Redován City Council has approved in the last month of December 20,500 euros in grants that will be distributed among associations and groups of the municipality. This amount is a quarter of what the municipality allocates to help local entities, since during the year the rest have been approved as the justification has been received from the associations. In total there are 108,000 euros those that go to help the groups.

As regards the destination of the grants, grants have been approved in the last month to the Dance Group Cultural Association, Cantera Express Cycling Club, Peña Blaugrana, MTB Club, Ampa Rebdan, Brotherhood Piedad, Ampa Colegio Sagrados Corazones, Paloma Club, Club of Fishing, Board of Directors of Festera, Association of Friends of the Elderly Club, Asociación Aracelia and the Association of Women.

The mayor, Nely Ruiz, explained that “the associative fabric of the municipality is very important because thanks to the Redován associations it is a live town all year round, where we celebrate a multitude of activities in which all the neighbors participate.”

For his part, the councilor of the Treasury, Adrián Ballester, highlighted “the involvement of all areas of the government team so that aid reaches all groups, with the improvement of activities that are carried out every year.”

Likewise, the mayor has advanced that “our goal is to continue along this line and help more if possible to all groups and, if possible, that more neighbors are encouraged to participate in the activities carried out and integrate into some association or club ”.

The City Council of Redován gives a total of 36 grants year in which all the associations, clubs and cultural, educational, and other groups are represented.