Redován will have a more accessible senior center thanks to a grant from the Diputación

  • The project has a financing of almost 98,400 euros and will involve the reform and rehabilitation of the public center for the elderly in the municipality
Redován City Council will soon have a more accessible and renovated senior center, thanks to a grant of 98,391 euros from the Provincial Council of Alicante, and which aims to reform and rehabilitate several areas of this municipal facility. The financing received is framed within the calls for financially sustainable investments of the Diputación for the 2019 annuity, and will allow the Consistory to improve the accessibility of the building, which “due to its age, presents several deficits in its architectural finishes and facilities ”, Informed José Najar, Town Planning Councilor.

The main action will be focused on the integral reform of the toilets on the ground floor, as well as the first and second, “for its adaptation to the accessibility regulations, and facilitating the use of the facilities to residents with mobility reduced ”, explained the mayor of Social Welfare, Marisol Ibáñez. The works, which will be carried out during the next year, will include the replacement of the plumbing and sanitation, as well as the lighting and electrical installation, sanitary and accessories, and the tiling and false ceiling of the toilets.
In the same way, this subsidy will allow the realization of other types of improvements in the building such as the replacement of the exterior and aluminum carpentry of the lobby, and the glassware of the entrance door. The interior doors of passage to the toilets, kitchen and dependencies of the center will also be replaced, together with the lighting of the lobby, which will be replaced by LED bulbs. It will also proceed to eliminate the existing pavement at the entrance, the placement of a false ceiling and the interior painting of this area. The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, thanked the Provincial for the granting of this subsidy, which will serve to complete those already made in this center and that facilitate access to users, such as the location of a ramp and the adequacy of the steel , the installation of a railing and the signaling of a parking space in the vicinity for users with reduced mobility, “actions with which this center can offer better services to its users and serve our elders as they deserve,” said the First mayor.

The traditional Christmas Trade and Gastronomy Fair returns to Redován on December 14 and 15

  • The City Council of Redován and the Association of Merchants of the municipality organize two days of activities to support local trade and products

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, accompanied by the councilors of Commerce and Tourism of the municipality, Maite Martínez and Clara Ezcurra, respectively, presented this morning the programming of the Trade and Gastronomy Fair, which will take place on Saturday 14 and Sunday December 15 in the Plaza de la Paz.

This is a new edition of the traditional Christmas Fair, “in which the neighbors of Redován can make their purchases for the Christmas holidays, while they know our customs and gastronomy typical of the area during these dates”, the mayor informed.

This fair is an initiative of the City Council, with the departments of Fiestas, Commerce and Tourism at the head and also has the collaboration of the Association of Merchants of Redován, as well as the Diputación de Alicante and Tourism Costa Blanca, Caja Rural Central and the construction group Zaragoza 2012. “The purpose is to strengthen and stimulate local commerce, reflected through the motto of the fair: for Christmas, buy in Redován”, added Ruiz. For his part, Maite Martínez, Councilor for Commerce, said that “we have been preparing it for a long time and it will be two days with a complete program, where all Redovans can enjoy activities for the whole family.”

In this way, the opening of this fair will take place on Saturday 14 from 4:00 p.m., which will be followed by workshops and children’s games throughout the day. In the afternoon “a giant roscón will be prepared whose tasting, how could it be otherwise in these dates, will serve to make a gesture of solidarity for social purposes with what is achieved through its collection,” said the mayor. In addition, dance and music performances will be carried out by the Redován Dance Association or the La Cochera group, with a concert starting at 10 pm.

On the other hand, on Sunday 15 from 10:30 hours, there will be more children’s games, workshops and inflatables for the little ones, who can also receive Santa Claus and also enjoy family magic shows, as well as the performance by the Rhythmic Gymnastics group of Redován. At 11:00 hours a demonstration will begin by local artisan butchers, “which will show the process of slaughter and elaboration of meat products and traditional sausages, and that will also be completed with a tasting of these high quality products so typical of these dates ”, explained Clara Ezcurra, mayor of Tourism.

It will be during this day when the Association of Merchants will deliver the prizes for the draw of the 4 checks valued at 50 euros as a result of the campaign to promote local commerce in the associated stores, as well as the awards for the best Christmas windows of the municipality, and a Christmas afternoon session entertained with the performance of the jazz trio Up & Down.

Nely Ruiz has encouraged all the residents of the municipality to participate in these complementary acts of the municipal Christmas program, and to “get to know the local commerce and its products, to create an opportunity for growth and wealth for Redován and its merchants “, has added.

‘It shines like the light ’, by Fernando Lizana Lozano, winner of the Pasodobles Villa de Redován contest

  • The awards for the winning pieces were delivered last Saturday, November 30 at the concert that took place in the House of Music of the municipality

The second edition of the Villa de Redován Pasodobles Contest already has a winning work. The piece ‘Shines like the light’, composed by Fernando Lizana Lozano from Madrid, won the first prize of this competition nationwide and endowed with 1,000 euros, among the 4 works that managed to reach the final concert last Saturday in the auditorium of the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music.

The winning work, chosen by the jury of specialized musicians and made up of José Miguel Rodilla Tortajada, Sixto Manuel Herrero Rodes and Javier Pérez Garrido, will be renamed ‘Musical Union of Redován. 30th anniversary 1989-2019 ’, in honor of the anniversary of the creation of this musical association.

The second place, endowed with 500 euros, went to the pasodoble composed of the Almeria Francisco M. Castilla Gutiérrez and entitled “Landscapes”, while the third was for the work “Virguerías”. Its author, Malaga’s Tomás Ocaña González, also obtained the Special Mention granted by the popular vote of the Musical Union of Redován, also organizers of this contest and performers of the works at the concert. The fourth prize went to the work ‘Santana’, by Murcia composer Pablo López Bernal.

The Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, wanted to congratulate the winner of the contest “but also the four finalists, who have been able to attend this concert today, for the great quality of the works presented, something that has made it very difficult for the jury the choice of a single winning work ”. Likewise, the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has conveyed her congratulations to the first prize “and to all the participants of this contest that, with this second edition, has already been consolidated and puts Redován on the national music scene”.


Generalitat will soon begin the improvement of woodland in the Sierra de Redován

The company Foresma S.A. will carry out the reforestation works, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment for 80,000 euros

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has appeared this morning, together with the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López, to publicize the next works of improvement and forest restoration that will be carried out in the surroundings of the Sierra de Redován, affected by drought and pests of scolitid insects such as 'tomicus destruens'. The works correspond to the III phase of the improvement and restoration project of this mountain, which will have an execution period of 12 months. They will be carried out by the contractor Foresma S.A. and will cost 79,897 euros.

These actions include "the elimination of dead woodland, which involves a serious fire hazard," explained the councilor, "as well as the adaptation of runoff to channel torrential rains, reforestation and improvement of the landscape with native specimens, and the application of phytosanitary treatments to avoid damage to the species of the area such as pine ”, he added. In this respect, traps will be placed with special pheromones for scolitids, bait points with fresh wood to attract them, and other invigorating treatments of the remaining woodland.

The purpose of these actions is “the recovery of the soil in the face of erosion and desertification caused by drought, reducing the risk of forest fires and avoiding the loss of an area so valued in the municipality from the tourist point of view such as the Hermitage, suitable for hiking and hiking, ”explained the mayor.

Ruiz said that "it is also a leisure area, very important for all Redovans, that we are happy to return to a part of its characteristic greenery." Likewise, the mayor has also highlighted the commitment of the government team to maintain this natural space with these and future actions, claiming to be “an objective for which we will always work from the Redován City Council”.

The mayor of Redován asks for tranquility to the neighbors before the process of legalization of houses on rustic land

• Since 2011 the City Council has requested reports to know the situation, which affects more than 400 families, and adapt the buildings to the new regulations

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, have appeared today to call for calm “before the alarm generated by the misinformation that has spread in recent days in the municipality, regarding the process of legalization of housing outside urban planning “.

The councilor wanted to reassure the neighbors affected by this process, ensuring that from the City Council of Redován “all relevant steps are taken to regularize these homes.” The process has been explained by the councilman of Urbanism, José Nájar, who has detailed the procedures carried out by the government team since 2011, “requesting internal and external reports to adapt to the regulations and be able to carry out this administrative intervention of ordination of these buildings on rustic land.

“These procedures led to the drafting of a housing management project in 2016, which must be modified to adapt it to the recent reform of Law 1/2019 on Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape (LOTUP) last February, according to which , homes built before August 2014 can be legalized through a procedure that must be assumed by the City Council. For this reason from the Consistory was requested an external legal report, which was received on May 9, “and that as soon as this City Council has been constituted, has allowed to submit an order of Mayor requesting the adaptation of the plan,” said the councilor.

Both the mayor and the councilor of Urbanism have insisted on calling the residents calm with homes of these characteristics, since “it is crystal clear that the City is acting to know in depth the possible solutions for all buildings at the lowest possible cost”. The aediles assured that they will put in contact with the citizens as soon as all the information is gathered and all the details of the matter are known.

Likewise, the councilor has informed that a formal complaint will be presented to the Illustrious Bar Association of Orihuela, motivated by the participation of a law firm in a public space to report urban issues that affect municipal competencies without the consent or prior information to the City Council.