The Redován City Council receives more than 57,000 euros in grants from the Alicante Provincial Council

  • The aids will be aimed at actions such as alleviating the effects of Covid-19 in businesses and SMEs, the economic promotion of the municipality or the protection of the natural environment of Redován, among others

The Redován City Council has received in the last days 57,390 euros from the Alicante Provincial Council in concept of subsidies. These grants are aimed at various areas, ranging from the protection of the natural environment of the municipality, the promotion of the economic activity of businesses and entrepreneurs in the municipality, treatments against the proliferation of insects or the improvement of urban gardens.

The largest amounts to a total of 39,127 euros and will be used to minimize the impact of Covid-19 in SMEs, mycropymes, small companies and professional self-employed in the municipality that suspended their activity during the state of alarm or decreased their average turnover in the months of April and May compared to the previous semester. The grant will be aimed at defraying current expenses derived from the health crisis such as rentals, requests for consultancy and advice, interest on loans requested or the rental of commercial vehicles of companies established in the municipality. The bases of the aid are in the drafting process and will be published soon so that they can be requested by the merchants of the municipality.

Another of these grants, which amounts to a total of 7,653 euros, will be divided into two lines of action: the one aimed at supporting the holding of fairs and events in the municipality, which will subsidize 58.33% of the cost of the Christmas fair last year in Redován with 7,000 euros, and another of 653 euros for its economic promotion. Thus, they will be destined to pay for 90% of the course on food handlers, allergen management and security against Covid-19, aimed at working and unemployed personnel, which will take place on October 6 in the assembly hall of the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda sociocultural center.

The Redovanense Consistory will also receive all of the aid of 4,924 euros for the maintenance and conservation of natural areas of the municipality such as the Sierra de Redován, along with 2,540 euros (68.85% of the subsidy) to carry out control treatments of Diptera insects in its municipal area. Likewise, the provincial body has also awarded 3,145 euros to the City Council, from which 90% of the amount of the installation of banks and wastebaskets in the municipal urban garden will be subsidized.

The mayor, Nely Ruiz, wanted to acknowledge the work of the City Council workers, “who are the ones who, thanks to their work and dedication, carry out the application and processing to be eligible for these grants”, as well as thanking the collaboration to the Provincial Council of Alicante with its contributions, “which will be applied to help and improve the life and environment of the people of Redova as much as possible”.

Alicante Provincial Council approves financing to build covered sports hall in Redován

• The subsidy received amounts to a total of 950.000 euros
• It will be a reality from 2022 and will have a multipurpose indoor track in 1.215 square meters of usable space

The Alicante Provincial Council has given the green light to the necessary financing to carry out the construction, in sector B4, of the covered sports pavilion in Redován, approved in the plenary session held last Wednesday, August 5th.

In this way, “950.000 euros of subsidies have been awarded divided into three annual payments, which together with the 260.000 that the City Council must contribute, will complete the construction budget for the new sports facilities, which amounts to a total of 1.210.000 euros” , has explained the councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester. The City Council will ask the provincial credit fund of the Provincial Council of Alicante for a loan to pay the remaining percentage of financing of the work, approximately 21,5% of it.

Construction of the project will begin in 2021 and includes the construction of the sports building in the current Avenida de la Libertad complex, with a usable area of 1.215 square meters and 9,5 meters high “with capacity for a double stands and a track. multipurpose roof “, reported the Councilor for Sports, Ramón López,” but also the urbanization of the plot, the conversion and integration with the previous facilities and the improvement of access. ” Likewise, it will have a reception, storage space, infirmary, cafeteria and changing rooms.

For her part, Mayor Nely Ruiz thanked the Alicante Provincial Council for its collaboration, also stating that “it is a long-awaited and necessary work for the people of Redova, who will finally have an adequate, accessible and renovated space for the practice of sports, and that will make Redován one of the municipalities with the greatest sports offer in Vega Baja ”.

The Local Police of Redován detains a minor after a persecution by CV-91 to Orihuela

  • The detainee was carrying out dangerous maneuvers with a vehicle in the Plaza de la Paz and fled to the neighboring town after the officers stopped
  • Agents of the National Police and Oriolana Local Police also participated in the persecution, who collaborated in the arrest

The Local Police of Redován has reported the arrest, last Saturday, of a minor in Orihuela, accused of a crime against road safety. The now arrested man, who was carrying out dangerous maneuvers in the Plaza de la Paz in Redován with a vehicle without the regulatory lights, fled with a companion in the passenger seat when, before the telephone warning of a neighbor, the agents appeared to control the situation.

From that moment on, a police chase began through several streets of Redován, in which the driver recklessly skipped several crossroads and stop signs and carried out various maneuvers to threaten a collision with the police vehicle. The minor continued his flight out of the municipality, at first on CV-919 and later on CV-91 in the direction of Orihuela, circulating on several occasions in the left lane and forcing drivers who came in the opposite direction to avoid him to avoid any kind of accident.

At the entrance to the town, in the Los Huertos area, the vehicle stopped abruptly, giving the impression of having broken down. After informing both the National Police Corps and the Orihuela Local Police, a patrol car of the latter tried to cut him off. It is at this time that the driver’s companion, who has not been able to be identified, got out of the vehicle and fled. After the violent struggle with an agent of the Local Police of Redován, who entered through the passenger door to proceed to arrest the minor, he got out of the vehicle to continue his flight, starting a new chase on foot which was joined by two Oriolana police officers.

The minor was attacked by the three agents inside the ‘Los Huertos’ compound, where he was reduced and arrested. Faced with the strong resistance of the detainee, both himself and one of the agents, belonging to the Redován Police Force, found themselves in need of receiving medical attention at the Álvarez de la Riva health center in Orihuela due to minor injuries. Likewise, the vehicle, owned by the father of the detainee, was transferred to the municipal depot in Callosa de Segura.

The Councilor for Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, thanked the agents for their actions, “whose work and dedication is patent and is essential to keep the streets of Redován safe every day.” This is the third arrest made by municipal agents in the last two weeks, which “shows the professionalism of our police force, which shows evident results in the face of the reinforcement of the surveillance that has been carried out in the town during the last weeks ”.

The Local Police of Redován detains a man who was trying to force a house on the Camino de Los Benitos

The Redován Local Police have made a new arrest, in this case in the area known as Camino de Los Benitos, where apparently a man was trying to force the entrance of a house for occupation. The agents captured the alleged thief, who accused him of an alleged crime of robbery with force in the house he was trying to break into.

The events occurred during the afternoon of yesterday, Tuesday, when the call of a relative of the owner of the house alerted the Local Police upon hearing the blows that the detainee used to strike the door to force it open. The agents appeared at the scene, where they found the alleged perpetrator of the events trying to open the front door of the house with the help of a hammer and a chisel.

The suspect was equipped with a backpack in which, in addition to the hammer and chisel, he carried other tools, including screwdrivers and pliers. Finally, the agents proceeded to arrest the suspect, who has been charged with the crime of robbery in an attempted degree, and was placed at the disposal of the Civil Guard patrol of Callosa de Segura, who also went to the scene to proceed to the transfer of the man to the barracks after intervening the effects that he had in his power.

The Councilor for Citizen Security of the Redován City Council, Adrián Ballester, has highlighted the actions of the agents while highlighting the necessary citizen collaboration, alerting with a call of the facts, to achieve the arrest of this person. Thus, Ballester has reminded the public that before any event that may be considered criminal, it is very important to notify the Local Police at the phone number 608072253, “because the agents are prepared and have all the necessary material to deal with this type of situations ”.

At the same time, the Redován Local Police recalls that although this is an atypical summer, for the holidays it is necessary to take a series of precautions if we are going to leave our homes empty, such as checking that everything is perfectly closed or that it is not reported from vacation plans to anyone outside the family circle, at the same time asking someone you trust to empty the mailbox regularly.

The Redován City Council will present the Gold Medal to the citizens of the municipality for their actions and solidarity during the DANA in September

  • The proposal will be brought to the Plenary and the distinction will be delivered in the act of tribute that the City Council plans for next Saturday, September 5

At the proposal of the Department of Citizen Security of the City of Redován, led by Adrián Ballester, the City of Redovanense will award the Gold Medal to the citizens of the municipality for their performance and solidarity during the DANA in September. The proposal has been discussed today in an informative commission and has had the support of all political groups with a municipal presence, so it will now be raised to plenary for approval. Adrián Ballester explained that this distinction arises “due to the strength and solidarity shown by the people of Redován during an episode that has undoubtedly marked our citizens”, explained the mayor.

“There were multiple heroic displays of solidarity or merit of aid, so it is a decoration awarded by the City Council to reward extraordinary actions or services carried out in favor of the town,” said Ballester. Once the approval process has passed in plenary session, it is planned that this Gold Medal will be delivered to the town of Redován in the tribute act that the Consistory is preparing for next Saturday, September 5, and that will take place from 20:30 in the Plaza de la Paz.

Thus, “and when one year has passed since these fateful floods suffered in our municipality and also in Vega Baja”, explained the mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz, “it seemed appropriate to reward the attitude and strength of our neighbors during those hard days, in which difficult moments were lived in which the people of Rehovan knew how to rise to the occasion ”, he added.

This event will also honor the various organizations, training and volunteers, in recognition of the municipality’s aid and protection efforts during the development of DANA and in the repair work, such as the Local Police, the Civil Guard, the Unit Emergency Military (UME), National Police and Fire, or the municipal brigade.

In the same way, the City Council is preparing an audiovisual project to carry out this tribute, and in which “we also ask for citizen collaboration to collect videos and images that reflect the situation of the municipality during those days,” the councilor reported. In this way, and those who want to contribute to its preparation, may do so by sending the material by email to the address before August 16.