The Redován City Council will fine land owners who do not keep them clean with up to 1.500 euros

• The Municipal Ordinance on Citizen Coexistence tightens sanctions for those who do not keep their land in hygienic and sanitary conditions

The Councilor for Urban Planning of the Redován City Council, José Najar, has informed of the forthcoming entry into force of the new Ordinance for Neighborhood Cleaning and Coexistence in the municipality. This regulation was approved in the ordinary plenary session of June, and it establishes fines of up to 1,500 euros for owners of private plots in the municipality who “are not in the proper cleaning and maintenance conditions,” said the mayor.

The ordinance, and as Nájar has explained, “obliges landowners in the municipality of Redován to keep their plots clean and in adequate health and hygiene conditions on a regular basis, ensuring that they are free of residues or rubble throughout the year. ” Otherwise, in addition to the stipulated fines that qualify this infraction as a serious offense and may carry penalties from 750 euros, “the City Council will carry out the cleaning through the procedure of forced and subsidiary execution, charged to the owner of the same “Added the councilor.

Likewise, the mayor has explained that the obligations of cleaning of lots also include the application of deratization and disinfection of the perimeter of the lot, and added that “it is about minimizing as much as possible that carelessness in the maintenance of these lands can generate inconvenience for citizens “, as well as” any situation that may pose a risk to hygiene and health conditions that, in the current circumstances before the Covid-19, has become essential “.

For her part, the mayor of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, has launched an appeal to the collaboration of all the owners of these lands in the municipality, to “fulfill their obligation” and that “they can be kept in the best possible conditions throughout the year, favoring and contributing together to improve coexistence in Redován ”.

A grant from the European Commission will allow Redován public squares to have free Wi-Fi

• The municipality is one of the selected among the nearly 1,000 requests for localities throughout Spain to promote connectivity among citizens

The Councilor for Citizen Participation of the Redován City Council, Adrián Ballester, has announced the resolution received from the European Commission regarding the ‘Wifi4U’ program of free internet for European countries. A resolution granting the European aid requested to provide the public squares of the municipality with a Wi-Fi connection. “Thanks to this subsidy we will be able to install several Wi-Fi points in the Redován squares, which will make it easier for citizens to connect to the internet and use new technologies for free,” explained the councilor.

Redován has been selected from among the 947 applications from localities throughout Spain that have applied for this grant. Specifically, the mayor explained that this European aid “gives participating municipalities up to 15,000 euros of subsidy, which will be used to finance the materials and installation costs necessary to develop the proposal.” For its part, the Redován City Council will be in charge of paying for the internet connection and the maintenance of the material for a minimum of three years, which will allow the user to access the internet without the need for subscription or financial compensation.

The development of this program will simplify access to new information technologies, since, as Adrián Ballester has reported, it is a completely free, easy and fast connection process through a main portal that will not require reintroducing passwords in case of reconnecting within 12 hours. “The City of Redován is characterized by promoting communication and citizen participation through the internet and social networks, so this grant and anyone that makes life easier for our citizens in this regard will be welcomed by the municipality,” added Ballester.

Redován opens the municipal swimming pool this summer with rigorous sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19

  • It will be operational in July and August with split hours, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., with cleaning time at noon
  • Capacity limited to 75%, disinfection of hands and shoes and the safety distance of 1.5 meters are some of the stipulated measures

The Redován City Council will open the doors of its municipal swimming pool next Wednesday, July 1, once all measures have been taken to do so safely for municipal staff and users. “At first, and always thinking about the safety and health of the people of Redován, not opening was considered this summer,” reported Nely Ruiz, mayor of the municipality. But the councilor added that “after confirming the improvement of the sanitary situation with the end of the state of alarm, we have worked and studied how to proceed with its reopening so that our neighbors have the option of being able to cool off safely this summer and caution ”. The facilities will be available for bathing during the months of July and August.

For his part, the Councilor for Sports, Ramón López, explained that “we have developed a series of measures based on the regulations set by the Valencian Government and which will be signposted and visible throughout the premises in order to enjoy this environment safely ” Thus, with a capacity less than 75%, users must access with a mask in groups of less than twenty people, and they must maintain the safety distance of 1.5 meters at all times. It will also be necessary “cleaning and disinfection of hands and footwear before entering and the mandatory use of a towel when using the sun loungers,” explained the mayor. Likewise, the toilets and showers on the premises will be constantly reviewed, with two municipal custodians and a lifeguard in charge of ensuring compliance with these measures.

The municipal swimming pool maintains the prices of other years: 2 euros for general admission (from 13 to 65 years old), and 1.50 euros for 4 to 12 years old and for retirees and disabled, with free entry for children from 0 to 4 years old. The opening hours will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., “with this break at noon to be able to thoroughly clean and disinfect the space,” said López. Those who want to use the pool also in the afternoon can do so, presenting the entry purchased in the morning.

The mayor has appealed to the prudence of the people of Redovan in the use of this service that “we hope will serve to cheer up and make this summer something more bearable within this new normality”, and that, in case of presenting symptoms, “do not use this service, avoiding putting neighbors at risk unnecessarily. ”

Redován approves in the Municipal Plenary a new ordinance regulating coexistence

• The regulations will monitor actions in the field of urban cleanliness and other issues such as control and possession of animals, gambling and begging
• The fines for depositing waste out of containers and public spaces are up to 1.500 euros, and are up to 18.000 infractions for animal abuse

The Redován Municipal Plenary, held online on Monday, June 8th, gave the green light to the 2020 budget, approved with twelve votes in favor and one abstention from the Municipal Corporation. During this plenary session, the project for the Municipal Ordinance for Neighborhood Cleaning and Coexistence was also approved, a norm that aims to “create a normative framework with which to promote civility in the public spaces of Redován, while establishing both norms of conduct and sanctions”, has informed the mayor, Nely Ruiz. As explained by the mayor, “it was a matter of preparing legislation to regulate those points that tend to be most conflictive in coexistence between residents of a municipality, such as issues of urban cleanliness or the keeping of pets” .

The ordinance also introduces a table of sanctions that, depending on the offenses and their severity, may reach up to 1,500 euros and, in the case of abuse and animal abandonment offenses, could exceed a 18,000 euro fine.

One of the points in which they have most wanted to influence has been the need to care for and keep clean “spaces that we all enjoy, such as the parks or the recreational area of La Ermita, and to deposit the different waste in the containers and designated places for it ”, indicated the councilor for Municipal Services, Ramón López. The mayor has insisted on the prohibition of leaving belongings or debris in public spaces, “a practice unfortunately very common in some areas of the municipality,” he added, that in this new regulation they are considered serious, and that may result in fines up to 1.500 euros.

Obligation of the owners to keep the lots clean

The City Council seeks to regulate, in the same way, the correct maintenance of the private plots in Redován, “eliminating excessive vegetation and ensuring their deratization and periodic disinfection, to avoid as far as possible situations that endanger the health of the neighbors ”, added López. In this regard, the City Council already started a land plot maintenance plan last March, sending “more than a hundred letters to owners in the urban area, in order for them to clean it to keep it in an optimal state of sanitation”, has indicated José Nájar, who has explained that with this ordinance “it is intended that the owners of the plots become aware of their obligation to keep the land in optimal health and hygiene conditions”, proceeding to sanction any owner who does not comply with this obligation civic. This avoids the City Council “having to send numerous notice notices year after year, which represents a great financial outlay and work, in addition to serious damage to neighboring neighbors with very neglected land,” he added.
Other conducts regulated in this new regulation will be the prohibition of performing stunts on urban furniture, the consumption of beverages on public roads, aggressive begging attitudes or the consumption of alcohol on public roads.
On the other hand, and in the section dedicated to domestic animals, the ordinance expressly prohibits abandonment and animal abuse, forcing them to be kept “in adequate hygiene, safety and care conditions, as well as their identification and inscription in the municipal census, and also respecting the regulations for possession of dangerous animals ”, reported Nájar. The regulations include the obligation to collect and clean the pets’s feces, another of the conflictive points in the coexistence between neighbors, to avoid staining the façades of the buildings.

Redován presents its most social budgets for 2020 to mitigate the effects of DANA and COVID-19 health crisis

  • -The money from the local festivities will go to help people affected by the COVID-19 health crisis, with more than 120.000 euros in social aid.
  • -The initial budget for this year reaches the total figure of 6.171,.209,77 euros, exceeding the initial 2019 budget by 22.20%
  • -The government team allocates almost 100.000 euros in a plan to revive local trade and aids to merchants, self-employed, entrepreneurs, micro-SMEs and liberal professionals
  • -The municipal government requests the Ministry of Finance to allow refinancing of the municipal debt, open the management fund and allow the municipalities to use the remaining budget.

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, accompanied by the Councilor for Finance, Adrián Ballester, presented this morning in the plenary hall of the City Council the municipal budgets for the year 2020, which amounts to a total of 6.171.209,77 euros, and will be voted on the local plenary next Monday, June 8. The municipal accounts exceed the initial budget planned for 2019 by more than 22%, making them one of the most social in recent years, since “they are a social response by this City Council for the needs of our neighbors who they have been affected by recent events such as the DANA in last September or the ‘Covid-19’ health crisis,” said the mayor.

Social aid to affected people

For this reason, of the 601.635 euros in the subsidy expenses section, the Consulate in Redován has planned to allocate more than 120.000 euros in social aid to people affected by COVID-19. Among them, will be destined to social emergency aid, IBI or to buy school supplies.

In addition, the budget includes almost 100.000 euros in aid for people with an economic activity who has been reduced by at least 50% or have had to temporarily close. In this sense, more than eighty-nine thousand euros are allocated in aid for merchants, the self-employed and SMEs; in addition to 4.000 euros in aid to entrepreneurs in Redován and 6.000 euros for a plan to reactivate local commerce. The first mayor has indicated that “our objective is to help our merchant and business community as much as possible, and also the groups most affected by the pandemic. In addition, the occupancy rate of chairs and tables on public roads for the year 2020 has been carried out ”, he added. The subsidies section represents 8,17% of the total, with an increase of approximately 14% compared to the previous initial budget. This section includes the usual contributions made by the council to the organizational and associative fabric of the municipality.

In this regard, the City Council’s own taxes “have been frozen for another year, as it has been done since 2015”, explained the Councilor for Finance, who added at the same time that “on the line to help our neighbors we have returned part of the rate of markets and services not provided in sports during the months of confinement, with the aim of contributing to the economic stability of the people of Redován. ” The forecast for municipal tax revenues will be reduced by 18,02% compared to the previous year, with an estimate of 1.017.723,78 euros.

As for the investment chapter, this has been endowed with 1.272.243 euros, 20,62% of the total budget, and which includes the credits contributed by the Ministry of Education, corresponding to the remodeling plans of the CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován and IES Jaime de Sant Àngel del Plan Edificant. This item could finally be doubled in the budget liquidation, since the credits of the investments coming from the canon of the contract for the indirect management of the public service of drinking water and sewerage must be incorporated, as well as those of public administrations such as the Provincial Deputation of Alicante.

In this way, “the budget items have been adjusted to the maximum taking into account the income and real expenses of the City Council, making it a rigorous and realistic budget for the current economic situation,” explained the mayor. For this reason, the Department of the Treasury has required annual planning of each of the municipal needs to meet the most justified, although it will also “address the budgetary modifications that are necessary to comply with economic obligations and with the quality levels of provision of public services ”, Ballester has clarified.

Expense Forecasts

The Redován City Council increases staff costs for this year by 3,86% compared to the previous year, adjusted to the salary increase for public employees in 2019 and amounting to 1.649.158 euros. The section for current expenses, endowed with 2.101.655 euros, will also include credits intended for the tendering of contracts for municipal services, among which stand out the collection of urban solid waste and the cleaning of roads.

Similarly, the financial expenses section decreases by almost 25%, with 21.532 euros budgeted. In capital transfers of the State of Expenditure of the 2020 Budget it decreases 91,67% and is 3.500 euros, while the chapter dedicated to financial liabilities has an initial forecast of 469,063 euros of budget, aimed at amortizing the loan from the City Council with the entity la Caixa to face the first supplier payment plan.

Income Forecasts

Regarding the initial forecasts of income, those corresponding to direct taxes are estimated at 2.275.229 euros (7,24% more than the previous year), an increase motivated by the proliferation of properties and companies in the municipality, while, in indirect taxes, the collection will be reduced by 13,34% compared to 2019.

Likewise, regarding the income from current transfers, corresponding to the subsidies received from other public administrations, it amounts to 1.750.001 euros, “waiting to receive subsidies during the year 2020 from the Provincial Deputation of Alicante in the matter of firefighters , local development, environment or culture ”, assured the mayor of the Treasury.

Finally, the mayor of the treasury has asked the Ministry of Finance to allow them to refinance the municipal debt since the city council spends 500.000 euros of the inherited debt annually and to have an interest rate in accordance with current financial prices. He has also requested that the Ministry authorize spending the savings available to the city council on public policies to help the most disadvantaged people.