Nov 2, 2018 | Councils News, Finances, News, Transparency and citizen Participation
The Redován Participatory Budgeting process has concluded with a “resounding success” over the previous year and is an “example of democratic participation”, said the mayor of Finance, Citizen Participation and promoter of this initiative, Adrián Ballester, that “we have tripled the number of participants”.
The Redovanese councilor feels “very satisfied” because of the 338 people who have participated this year through the online platform, a total of 274 people have cast their vote “for the municipality to grow and do it with the help of the citizens and the associative fabric of the locality “. This year the winning proposal was the one proposed for the Musical Union school of Redován, with a total of 222 votes. The total amount that will be allocated in 2019 will be 40,000 euros and, among the requests of this proposal, is the renovation and acquisition of educational, instrumental and didactic equipment.
Ballester wanted to praise the work of dissemination and the effort of the Musical Union to get this economic game. “I congratulate the whole family of the music school since they have done an excellent campaign and it is an example of what needs to be done in participatory budgets”. In this regard, the mayor recalled that “we will continue to encourage all residents of Redován to be participants in the budgets.”
As for the proposals that have not received so many votes, there is the realization of a trade fair that can attract people from other locations and make the local products known with 4 votes. “It’s a proposal that we find interesting and we hope to develop it next year,” said Ballester.
In services and infrastructures the remodeling of Francisco Ferrer Plaza with more areas of games and shade that has obtained 3 votes, or the change of lawn and furniture of the Plaza Miguel Hernández with 1 vote is proposed. In addition, a proposal calls for the closure of parks to prevent vandalism at night with 13 votes and the closing of the Plaza de la Cruz with 5 votes. “The issue of enclosure of parks we have it very much in mind since we have done some and we will continue with this work for those places that do not have it,” said Ballester.
In social policies the organization of therapeutic workshops that has obtained 3 votes is proposed, besides the realization of courses of English and Valencian in different official levels with 1 vote. In this regard, the mayor of the Treasury explained that “these courses have already been launched, as is the case of the Valencian, whose places have been completed.”
Lastly, in sports the construction of padel courts has been considered, which has obtained 13 votes and the remodeling of the costumes of the Antonio Pascual Gil Duana municipal soccer field with 8 votes. As for the padel courts Ballester has advanced that by 2019 “we are going to ask for a subsidy to the Provincial Council of Alicante to do them and we hope that the residents of Cadiz can enjoy these highly demanded facilities”.
Adrián Ballester recalled that from the Redovanese government team “we are willing to analyze and study all the finalist proposals, because they seem coherent and if we can we will carry them out”. In this regard, he assured that “we do not rule out carrying out actions with any idea that, although it has not won, is worthy of being put into operation”. Ballester said that “we are very satisfied with the work we have done and we thank all the people who have participated in their dedication and enthusiasm to believe in this project and be part of the changes that materialize in the town.”
Mar 15, 2018 | Councils News, News, Transparency and citizen Participation
The City Council of Redován, represented by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, and the person responsible for the MeteOrihuela project, Pedro José Gómez Cascales, today signed a collaboration agreement in the Consistorio redovanense that will allow the municipality to have official meteorological data through the installed observatory , now just a year ago, at the Sacred Hearts School. The rubric has had as a witness the councilor of Citizen Participation and Transparency, Adrián Ballester, who explained that residents can consult “for a few days on the City Council website the updated weather forecast every day, as well as the a whole week “thanks to the data provided by MeteOrihuela.
The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, has detailed what the agreement consists of, “since the City Council is committed to having the necessary budget for the maintenance of the meteorological observatory that we have in the school, while we will have the reports that Pedro José Gómez will perform when there are episodes of adverse weather or the City Council is interested in dealing with holiday dates, for example, because they are moments in which we all want to know in advance what time it is going to do. ” Fernández was pleased to launch a collaboration “that we have no doubt will be good for Redován, while we will help spread a project that knows all the Vega Baja, started a few years ago by a young from our area, in this case an Oriolan “.
For his part, Pedro José Gómez recalled how a year ago a weather station was installed at Sagrados Corazones School, from which temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and wind speed data are collected, “although we have achieved that the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) will also install an official rain gauge there so that the rain data collected can be official throughout Spain. ” Gomez has pointed out that his work in this last year has not been there, but also a pedagogical work has been done with the students of the school and has advanced that “I’m sure it will work, because especially when there are parties or episodes of heavy rains, many people from Redován contact MeteOrihuela to solve their doubts”.
Aug 7, 2017 | Councils News, Finances, News
The City of Redován has decided to start a process of participation aimed at local citizenship can propose projects to be included in the municipal budget next year. The preparation of the participatory budget was approved in the last municipal plenary session and today has been presented by the councilman of finance and citizen participation, Adrián Ballester, who has been accompanied by the mayor, Emilio Fernández. The initiative will allocate a minimum of 30,000 euros of the municipal budget to the proposals made and voted by the people who are registered in the municipality.
Ballester recalled that municipal budgets are “one of the most important tools available to a local government, where the expenditure and income policies are concentrated with the objective of benefiting citizens through the different areas of action politics”. The mayor explained that although “in the case of Redován the contact of the municipal government with the citizens is continuous and constant as well as the meetings of the councilors of the different departments with representatives of social, cultural, sports, party and Religious, both to know their needs and to distribute the various subsidies, we are willing to hold a consultation period on the municipal budgets of the next year using the digital tools we have available.
The calendar of participatory budgets has four phases, a first one of collection of proposals and supports, that will extend from August 7 to September 22 and in which the people registered in Redován will be able to propose and to support the proposals that they consider opportune. At this stage, citizens will be able to submit all the proposals they want, write comments on the published ones and vote on them, while the platform administrator can accept (publish) or reject those that arrive.
The mayor, Emilio Fernández (i) and the mayor of Hacienda, Adrián Ballester (d) during the press conference.
Citizens will be able to register in the first phase, either through the technological platform or by going to the city hall during opening hours, the initiative they propose for the budget for 2018, as well as the estimated cost to that proposal, which in no case May exceed 30,000 euros. Also, during this period, that is to say from Monday August 7 to September 22, registered users on the web will be able to pre-vote, support and comment on the proposal, without this pre-vote being binding on the final vote that Is performed in the third phase.
The second phase will be the evaluation of the proposals, and will run from September 23 to October 15. In it, the City Hall staff will check if the proposed is technically and economically feasible, and a final presentation will be made. The technicians will estimate the cost, “something that will be shown in phase 3 so that the citizen knows how much it would cost to execute it and if it matches his proposal, thus facilitating the information so that he can vote in a responsible manner,” said the councilman.
In phase 3 (from October 16 to 31), the final vote will be taken on proposals that are technically and legally feasible. “Here you can no longer create proposals or add comments, only vote those that have been viable,” explained Ballester. During this period citizens will be able to vote the proposals, both on the web and going in person to the City Council to physically vote the initiative, to avoid the technological gap and that all citizens have the same equality of opportunity when casting their vote and participate In this process of collective participation.
According to the calendar marked by the City of Radovan, the process is expected to culminate with the fourth phase on November 3 when the proposals are published by order of voting. From there, the process of approval of the municipal budget will continue its usual course until the plenary session, which as the highest municipal representative body should be in charge of giving final approval to the document.
Adrián Ballester added that, if the budget availability allows, the 30,000 euros originally planned for the participatory process “could be increased, taking into account the different and numerous commitments of expenditure that this City has already assumed,” he added.
How to participate
Adrián Ballester has announced the portal through which citizens, as of today, can take part in the preparation of the budget. It can be accessed through the address:, in which in addition to making and voting proposals you can be aware of how this participatory procedure is developed that is first implemented in the locality Redondo. “It is about empowering citizens to become an active part of municipal political action and that their proposals can have a benefit for the whole of the citizenry,” concluded Ballester.