Redován’s most eagerly awaited fiestas begin on 27 August and will last until the end of September

  • The City Council presents the book and programme of the festivities that have not been held in full since 2019, when the DANA forced the suspension of part of the events.

The Redován Town Hall has everything ready to kick off, on 27 August, the most eagerly awaited fiestas in honour of the Virgen de la Salud and San Miguel. As the Mayoress and Councillor for Fiestas Nely Ruiz recalled, “in 2019 because of the DANA we were unable to finish our fiestas as they deserved, and then the pandemic has kept us waiting for another two years, so both the Town Council and the Fiestas Committee know the enthusiasm of the whole town of Redován to recover them as we have always known them, and with the same enthusiasm we have worked to achieve this”. Nely Ruiz was accompanied during the presentation by Carlos García, author of the photo that illustrates the cover of the fiestas book, taken during one of the firework displays in September 2020, at the worst of the pandemic.

The traditional celebrations add up to around thirty events that will get underway on Saturday 27 August with the election of queens, the proclamation of the fiestas by Nuria Escudero Rodríguez and the crowning of queens, an event that, as is traditional, will take place in the Plaza de la Paz. From then on, there will be a succession of events, both civil and religious, until 30 September, when the programme will end with a mass. On 28 August there will be a children’s party in the Plaza Miguel Hernández and on Friday 2 September the events will resume with a concert by the Unión Musical de Redován in the Plaza de la Paz and the prize-giving ceremony for the 2019 parade. On Saturday 3 September the Offering of Flowers will start at 20.00 hours from the Plaza Miguel Hernández, and an hour later the Chupinazo will be fired from the balcony of the Town Hall by the Festero de Honor, Miguel Terol Martínez, which this year goes to the Barraca La Gramaera. This will be followed by the retreta which will end with a DJ in the Plaza de la Cruz.

On 3 and 4 September in the San Carlos industrial estate there will be a remote-controlled car championship and on Sunday 4 there will be the traditional exhibition of grass and hemp spinning by La Gramaera. The barracas will be set up on Wednesday 7 September, and on Thursday 8, the feast of the Virgen de la Salud, the day will begin with mass in honour of the patron saint, officiated by the parish priest Eloy Martín and sung by the Manos Unidas choir. In the evening, at 20.00 hours, the procession in honour of the Virgen de la Salud will start, at the end of which there will be a fireworks display from the Avenida de la Diputación.

On Friday, 9 September, the charanga tapeo (brass band) will be performed by Los Feos, and on Saturday, 10 September, the grand general parade of peñas, barracas and queens will begin at 21.00 hours. On 11 September the water festival will be repeated and on the 15th the horse show, which has not been held for some years, will be resumed.

On 11 and 13 September the ‘Sálvame’ will be held in the bullfighting ring and on Friday 16 the Redován Dance Association will offer its Dance Gala. The Fiesta Blanca, one of the most popular of the fiestas, will be held on Saturday 17th September at 21.00 hours in the Plaza Miguel Hernández and will feature a performance by the Happy’s. Registrations can be made at the Town Hall from 1 to 16 September.

On Sunday 18th September the Casa de la Música Antonio Ibáñez Serrano will host the Valencian language theatre show ‘Aladín’ and on Friday 23rd at 18.00 the XIII Campeonato Intergeneracional de Petanca (13th Intergenerational Petanque Championship) will take place. That same Friday at 22.30 hours, in the Plaza de la Paz, we will enjoy the musical Mamma Mia. On Saturday 24th there will be a Multicolour Parade from the Plaza de la Cruz, followed by a concert by the group Los 80 Principales, after which there will be DJ music.

On Sunday 25th September, the XVII Encuentro de Motos Clásicas Villa de Redován will be held, with remember music by the group American Revival and at 20.00 hours on the same day we will switch to the music of the Unión Musical de Redován, with the Concert of San Miguel Arcángel. On 28 September, the eve of the celebration of San Miguel, the musical show ‘Somos Eurovisión’ will take place in the Plaza de la Paz and on the 29th, the feast of the patron saint, at 12.00 there will be mass officiated by the new parish priest, Emilio Manuel Sánchez Martínez, sung by the Manos Unidas Choir. At 20.00 the procession in honour of San Miguel will start and will end with a new fireworks display in the Avenida de la Diputación.

Nely Ruiz thanked the involvement of “the many people who have made possible the preparation of this extensive programme”, as well as the work for the publication of a book of more than 200 pages “in which we can find, as is traditional, a guide with practically all the shops and establishments of Redován, as well as numerous collaborations of people who have selflessly wanted to participate and further enhance our festivities”. The mayoress made special mention of the clubs and barracas of Redován grouped in the Junta Festera: Barraca La Gramaera, Peña Contrabandista El Volante, Peña Contrabandista, Barraca Pirata Redován, Barraca Templarios, Barraca Sultanas, Comparsa Benimerines, Barraca Los Cobras, and welcomed the Comparsa Mora Al-Khäusil which joins the festive groups this year.

Redován welcomes Christmas with a Christmas decoration contest for facades and balconies

  • The event will join other activities to celebrate the holidays such as the children’s theatre show, concerts and the visit of the Three Kings

The mayor of Redován and in charge of the Department of Festivals, Nely Ruiz, together with the councillor for Culture of the municipality, Clara Ezcurra, presented this morning the activities that the Redován Council has programmed for this Christmas. “This year, and due to the situation we are experiencing in relation to the Coronavirus, we have had to reduce the number of activities, but at no time has it been considered to leave the municipality without Christmas activities during these special days,” said the first mayor, who added that “all the activities scheduled will be carried out following a strict safety protocol and with all the guarantees against the Covid-19.

The main novelty will be the first Christmas decoration competition for façades and balconies, which, as the Councillor for Culture explained, “is an initiative that was created with the aim of involving citizens in the municipality’s festive decoration, and thus contributing to creating a Christmas atmosphere in the town’s streets”. All those registered in Redován can participate, “registering for free before Monday 14 December by presenting the completed form at the Town Hall, which can be found on the municipal website, and competing for three prizes in the form of a Christmas basket”, explained Ezcurra. The decorations will have to be installed until 6th January, to be visited by the members of the jury to assess their originality and colouring, as well as the lighting used, creativity and the aesthetic result of the decoration.

This competition will be joined by the children’s theatre play “Tarzán”, which the youngest visitors will be able to enjoy on Sunday 20th December from 17:30 in the auditorium of the Casa de la Música ‘Antonio Ibáñez Serrano’. Entrance is free, “and the capacity for this activity will be limited, and children must enter with a protective mask, respecting the safety distance and complying with the prevention protocol before the Covid-19”, indicated the Councillor for Culture. This Christmas we will also be able to enjoy the performance that the Redován Musical Union will carry out on the morning of the 24th in different parts of the municipality, also starting at 10:00, and “with the aim that the carols and typical songs of this season can be heard from different parts of the town, without the residents having to move or leave their homes,” explained Ezcurra.

Similarly, the Three Kings will visit Redován again on 5 January, with a tour of its streets starting at 17:30, so that the children can greet them from their balconies and receive gifts from their Majesties. Previously, and from 28 December, “the children will have been able to deposit their letters with their wishes for this Christmas in the Royal Mailboxes, which will be installed during these days in the Parish Church of San Miguel Arcángel, in the Sagrados Corazones Primary School, and in the offices of the Local Police”, indicated the Mayor.

Nely Ruiz also wanted to invite the citizens to participate in these Christmas events and to celebrate these very special dates “always following all the indications of the health authorities and respecting the limitations established by the Generalitat for meetings of people both in public and private spaces, as well as respecting the limitation of driving at night”. Meetings with family members or friends can reach 10 people on 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st December and 1st January, while the ‘curfew’ will be extended to 1.30am on 24th, 25th and 31st December.

Redován starts its Christmas activities with a program focused on the little ones

  • Children’s theater, the traditional Christmas parade through the streets of the municipality and the visit of the Magi with their Grand Cavalcade are some of the activities that can not be missed every year
Christmas comes to Redován thanks to the activities organized by the Department of Festivities, which the mayor, Nely Ruiz, and the Department of Culture, headed by the mayor Clara Ezcurra. The events "will focus this year on the little ones, the true protagonists of these dates," said the mayor.

In this way, the festive program will begin next Saturday, December 21, with the play ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music from 5:30 p.m. The representation has the support of the Diputación de Alicante and admission will be free until the auditorium capacity is completed. The next day, Sunday, December 22, the music will bring the spirit of Christmas to the Redovans with the traditional Christmas Parade of the Musical Union of Redován, “which will tour the municipality from 11:00 am announcing the neighbors the arrival of the holidays ”, Clara Ezcurra informed. It will be in the afternoon, at 5:00 p.m., when the boys and girls of Redován “can have a great time in the Church Square with the Children's Festival organized by the San Miguel Arcángel Parish,” explained the mayor of Culture.

The Christmas activities will continue on Thursday, December 26 with the Christmas Concert of the Orihuela City Orchestra, starting at 8:00 p.m. at the Antonio Ibáñez Serrano House of Music. On Thursday, January 2, the visit of the Royal Page to the City Hall will take place from 5:30 p.m., where the little ones will be able to deliver the letters with their wishes for the Magi. Likewise, on Sunday 5, starting at 5:45 p.m., it will be when his Majesties of the East will parade through the streets of Redován in his Grand Cavalcade, which will run from the Plaza de la Cruz to Juan Carlos I Street. “Will take place the traditional representation of the Auto de Reyes in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento from 7:00 pm, after which the Kings will distribute sweets and toys to all the children of the municipality as a gift,” said Nely Ruiz .

This program joins the one held last weekend in the Plaza de la Paz, where the Christmas Trade and Gastronomy Fair took place. During these two days “we have had the presence of many residents of the municipality supporting our commerce and local products, as well as children’s and leisure activities for the whole family, including the visit of the elves and Santa Claus to Redován” , the mayor has finished.

Nely Ruiz defiende la inversión en Educación durante los últimos cuatro años porque es “un área fundamental”

Redován 28/02/2019. La concejala de Educación, Servicios Sociales y Fiestas, Nely Ruiz, ha hecho hoy balance del mandato en las diferentes áreas que gestiona. Entre ellas ha destacado que Educación “es un área fundamental y la base donde se asienta todo el crecimiento de un pueblo y la mejor herramienta de cambio para avanzar”. En este sentido la edil ha defendido las inversiones realizadas y resaltado que Redován fue uno de los primeros municipios en adherirse al plan Xarxa llibres del que se invirtieron 99.142,66 euros de los que 34.000 euros los aportó el Ayuntamiento para la adquisición de libros.

La concejala ha asegurado que “hemos apostado por la jornada continua, invirtiendo de 3.200 euros el primer año a 9.000 euros el último para la contratación de tres monitores. Asimismo 59 familias se han beneficiado de las becas de material escolar para el segundo ciclo de infantil con un importe de 5.000 euros.

Respecto a los centros educativos, en el Colegio Público Sagrados Corazones se ha reformado la pérgola del lucernario, acondicionado los aseos y vestuarios y restaurado la pista polideportiva. “En el patio hemos incorporado juegos infantiles e instalado cuatro canastas de básquet, así como la construcción de un almacén, y también hemos invertido 13.000 euros en la instalación de aire acondicionado”, ha afirmado Ruiz. En la Escuela Infantil Pasitos, también se han llevado adecuaciones en el mobiliario. La edil ha recordado que “hemos tramitado toda la documentación necesaria para adherirnos al Plan Edificant y con ello vamos a reformar el colegio Sagrados Corazones y a acometer la construcción del aulario del IES Jaime de Sant Ángel.

Por otro lado, la también responsable del área de Fiestas ha querido destacar de la concejalía las diferentes actuaciones como los concursos durante las fiestas patronales de ‘Selfies’ y Disfraces o la Fiesta de Colores, siendo “el primer Ayuntamiento en traer este evento a la comarca de la Vega Baja”. La edil ha asegurado que “el compromiso de esta concejalía ha sido siempre la unión de todos los festeros, por ello junto con la Junta Central Festera retomamos la entrada de bandas consiguiendo revalorizar un día importante como es el desfile de peñas y barracas”.

Ruiz ha destacado el impulso a actividades y eventos que fomentan las costumbres del municipio como los teatros infantiles y también campañas en favor de la tolerancia y el respeto como #ConTalento, que “con el objetivo de sensibilizar contra el alcohol, igualmente que la campaña #NoTienesMiPermiso, que ha ayudado a sensibilizar a nuestra sociedad ante la importancia de valores tan necesarios como el respeto, educación, libertad y valentía”, ha afirmado la edil.

Estas últimas campañas corresponden a los Servicios Sociales que en Redován se prestan a través de la Mancomunidad La Vega, un ente del que forma parte la localidad junto a los municipios de Algorfa, Jacarilla y San Miguel de Salinas “que nos permite compartir proyectos y gastos de manera que podemos ofrecer a la ciudadanía servicios que por parte del Ayuntamiento de Redován en solitario sería imposible ofrecer o muy caros”. Ruiz ha destacado en estos cuatro años las mejoras en las instalaciones de Servicios Sociales en la Casa del Reloj en cuya primera planta se ubica la sede de la Mancomunidad y la mejora de los servicios “con más días de atención e incremento de servicios como la Agencia de Igualdad, Servicio de Inclusión Social, Adisex Jove y próximamente el área de juventud y ocio educativo”.

En cuanto a los servicios que se prestan “el incremento del gasto que ha llegado a los 228.267,60 euros, ha permitido atender 1.151 expedientes de ayudas para familias”, y la edil también ha indicado que se ha incrementado el personal “para hacer una atención más integral y especializada”. Nely Ruiz ha comentado que el aumento de servicios y personal no ha supuesto que suba de manera considerable el gasto del Ayuntamiento “ya que las subvenciones que recibe la Mancomunidad de la Conselleria ha aumentado un 323%, alcanzando los 559.840 euros en 2018”.

De este modo la atención se ha extendido a todos los colectivos con apoyo a la dependencia, atención a domicilio, actividades para personas mayores, talleres dirigidos exclusivamente a mujeres e iniciativas como la ‘areola solidaria’ de apoyo a las mujeres con cáncer de mama. Para terminar, Ruiz ha dado cuenta de los servicios de atención social específica a través del Equipo de Intervención con Infancia y Adolescencia; la Oficina Pangea de Atención a Personas Migrantes; la Unidad de Prevención Comunitaria de Conductas Adictivas; el Servicio de Atención Jurídica; Agencia de Igualdad; Servicio para la Prevención e Inclusión Social y Servicio de Atención a la Diversidad y Sexualidad para Jóvenes.

Activities of the month of the woman

Nely Ruiz has taken advantage of his appearance to announce the start, tomorrow, of the activities of the month of March, a month dedicated to women beyond the celebration of the International Day on March 8. This afternoon will begin the activities in the pool “that will be free every Friday in March, at eight thirty in the afternoon”, while on Sunday at 11.30 am “we will celebrate at the City Hall an act that has been taking place for a few years and that supposes the recognition to a woman of our town by its personal and labor trajectory, and this year the distinguished woman is Margarita Monera Martinez “, has concluded the councilor.

The work ‘Azabache’, from Jaén Cristóbal López, won the First National Contest of Pasodobles ‘Villa de Redován’

The First National Contest of Pasodobles ‘Villa de Redován’ has already won, the work ‘Azabache’ of the Jaén Cristóbal López rose on Sunday with the first prize of this contest and was also chosen by the musicians of the Musical Union of Redován ( UMR) as Honorable Mention. The ruling was made in a concert that the UMR offered within the programming of parties, on Sunday in the Plaza de la Paz, interpreting the four finalist works: ‘Azabache’, ‘From North to South’, ‘Van Redo’ and ‘ Joy’.

Once the pasodobles finalists were heard, the jury composed of José Miguel Rodilla Tortajada, Sixto Manuel Herrero Rodes and Javier Pérez Garrido, all of them renowned musicians who accompanied, with voice but without vote, the Councilor for Culture of the City Council of Redován, Clara Ezcurra and as secretary the president of the Unión Musical de Redován, Alberto Martínez, the ruling was announced. ‘Azabache’ by Cristóbal López Gándara was the winner and won a prize of 1,000 euros, diploma and gift; the second prize, worth 500 euros, a diploma and a gift, went to ‘Del norte al sud’, composed by Carlos Valles Donate; the third was for ‘Van Redo’, by Francisco J. Cogollos Martínez, who received a diploma and a gift, as well as ‘Alegría’ from
Miguel Ángel Sarrio Nadal who was the fourth classified.

Clara Ezcurra has highlighted the high quality of the pasodobles presented, “something that makes us think that this contest that has celebrated its first edition this year is going to become a classic in the programming of culture and the parties of Redován”. The mayor has indicated that all composers except the winner, who could not travel for work, were “in the magnificent concert that once again offered us on Sunday afternoon the Musical Union of Redován” and has added his congratulations to Cristóbal Lopez, whose work as established in the bases, will be renamed ‘Nieves Gómez Riera’, the name of the Queen of the Fiestas 2018 that was chosen on Saturday.