Jun 4, 2021 | Councils News, News, Sports
- Registrations are now open and can be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Town Hall for both the Tennis Stage and the Sports Schools.
Redován is bringing back this year, with all the measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the municipal summer schools. During the month of July, the Los Pasos Sports Centre will host both the Tennis Stage and the Sports School, activities that will join those already announced by the La Vega Association of Social Services in its traditional ‘Vegavacaciones’. The Councillor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, and the Councillor for Social Services, Marisol Ibáñez, have presented these activities which “bring us back to normality in a way after a blank year due to the pandemic”, said the municipal officials.
Ramón López explained that the registration process for the activities is now open. Applications can be downloaded from the Redován Town Hall website or picked up in person at the Town Hall. Once completed, payment must be made through the Suma Gestión Tributaria website and all documentation must be presented. The registration process for the Sports Schools will be open until Tuesday 22nd June, while for the Tennis Stage it will be until the 28th.
Both activities, aimed at ages between 5 and 16 years, will be held from 5 to 30 July from 9.00 to 13.00 hours, “with the aim, as usual, to reconcile work and family life in a period in which children are already on holiday, in addition to offering them physical activity outdoors instead of being at home,” said the Councillor for Sports. With regard to the price, Ramón López indicated that “it is 60 euros for the whole month, but there is also the possibility of registering for fortnights at a price of 40 euros each, a flexible way that we believe also helps families to organise themselves”.
For her part, the Councillor for Social Services has given an account of the ‘Vegavacaciones’ activities organised by the Mancomunidad La Vega from 1 July to 4 August, following a change in the initial dates. On this occasion it is about “socio-educational activities that aim to promote coexistence and teach students values in a fun way,” said the municipal responsible. Registration for this summer school is open until 21 June and all the details can be consulted on the Mancomunidad’s website https://www.mancomunidadlavega.es/. The title is ‘The Travelling Suitcase’ “and the children who attend will be divided into two age groups, one for the youngest, from 3 to 5 years old, and another for those from first to fourth year of primary school,” said Ibáñez.
The registration fee is 50 euros and since places are limited and with all the measures against Covid-19, applications will be accepted in strict order of registration. “That is why from Redován Social Services we encourage people who want their children to attend these schools to come to the Town Hall to apply, as our team will be able to answer any questions they may have”.
Feb 28, 2019 | Education, Festivities, News, Social Welfare, Women and Seniors
Redován 28/02/2019. La concejala de Educación, Servicios Sociales y Fiestas, Nely Ruiz, ha hecho hoy balance del mandato en las diferentes áreas que gestiona. Entre ellas ha destacado que Educación “es un área fundamental y la base donde se asienta todo el crecimiento de un pueblo y la mejor herramienta de cambio para avanzar”. En este sentido la edil ha defendido las inversiones realizadas y resaltado que Redován fue uno de los primeros municipios en adherirse al plan Xarxa llibres del que se invirtieron 99.142,66 euros de los que 34.000 euros los aportó el Ayuntamiento para la adquisición de libros.
La concejala ha asegurado que “hemos apostado por la jornada continua, invirtiendo de 3.200 euros el primer año a 9.000 euros el último para la contratación de tres monitores. Asimismo 59 familias se han beneficiado de las becas de material escolar para el segundo ciclo de infantil con un importe de 5.000 euros.
Respecto a los centros educativos, en el Colegio Público Sagrados Corazones se ha reformado la pérgola del lucernario, acondicionado los aseos y vestuarios y restaurado la pista polideportiva. “En el patio hemos incorporado juegos infantiles e instalado cuatro canastas de básquet, así como la construcción de un almacén, y también hemos invertido 13.000 euros en la instalación de aire acondicionado”, ha afirmado Ruiz. En la Escuela Infantil Pasitos, también se han llevado adecuaciones en el mobiliario. La edil ha recordado que “hemos tramitado toda la documentación necesaria para adherirnos al Plan Edificant y con ello vamos a reformar el colegio Sagrados Corazones y a acometer la construcción del aulario del IES Jaime de Sant Ángel.
Por otro lado, la también responsable del área de Fiestas ha querido destacar de la concejalía las diferentes actuaciones como los concursos durante las fiestas patronales de ‘Selfies’ y Disfraces o la Fiesta de Colores, siendo “el primer Ayuntamiento en traer este evento a la comarca de la Vega Baja”. La edil ha asegurado que “el compromiso de esta concejalía ha sido siempre la unión de todos los festeros, por ello junto con la Junta Central Festera retomamos la entrada de bandas consiguiendo revalorizar un día importante como es el desfile de peñas y barracas”.
Ruiz ha destacado el impulso a actividades y eventos que fomentan las costumbres del municipio como los teatros infantiles y también campañas en favor de la tolerancia y el respeto como #ConTalento, que “con el objetivo de sensibilizar contra el alcohol, igualmente que la campaña #NoTienesMiPermiso, que ha ayudado a sensibilizar a nuestra sociedad ante la importancia de valores tan necesarios como el respeto, educación, libertad y valentía”, ha afirmado la edil.
Estas últimas campañas corresponden a los Servicios Sociales que en Redován se prestan a través de la Mancomunidad La Vega, un ente del que forma parte la localidad junto a los municipios de Algorfa, Jacarilla y San Miguel de Salinas “que nos permite compartir proyectos y gastos de manera que podemos ofrecer a la ciudadanía servicios que por parte del Ayuntamiento de Redován en solitario sería imposible ofrecer o muy caros”. Ruiz ha destacado en estos cuatro años las mejoras en las instalaciones de Servicios Sociales en la Casa del Reloj en cuya primera planta se ubica la sede de la Mancomunidad y la mejora de los servicios “con más días de atención e incremento de servicios como la Agencia de Igualdad, Servicio de Inclusión Social, Adisex Jove y próximamente el área de juventud y ocio educativo”.
En cuanto a los servicios que se prestan “el incremento del gasto que ha llegado a los 228.267,60 euros, ha permitido atender 1.151 expedientes de ayudas para familias”, y la edil también ha indicado que se ha incrementado el personal “para hacer una atención más integral y especializada”. Nely Ruiz ha comentado que el aumento de servicios y personal no ha supuesto que suba de manera considerable el gasto del Ayuntamiento “ya que las subvenciones que recibe la Mancomunidad de la Conselleria ha aumentado un 323%, alcanzando los 559.840 euros en 2018”.
De este modo la atención se ha extendido a todos los colectivos con apoyo a la dependencia, atención a domicilio, actividades para personas mayores, talleres dirigidos exclusivamente a mujeres e iniciativas como la ‘areola solidaria’ de apoyo a las mujeres con cáncer de mama. Para terminar, Ruiz ha dado cuenta de los servicios de atención social específica a través del Equipo de Intervención con Infancia y Adolescencia; la Oficina Pangea de Atención a Personas Migrantes; la Unidad de Prevención Comunitaria de Conductas Adictivas; el Servicio de Atención Jurídica; Agencia de Igualdad; Servicio para la Prevención e Inclusión Social y Servicio de Atención a la Diversidad y Sexualidad para Jóvenes.
Activities of the month of the woman
Nely Ruiz has taken advantage of his appearance to announce the start, tomorrow, of the activities of the month of March, a month dedicated to women beyond the celebration of the International Day on March 8. This afternoon will begin the activities in the pool “that will be free every Friday in March, at eight thirty in the afternoon”, while on Sunday at 11.30 am “we will celebrate at the City Hall an act that has been taking place for a few years and that supposes the recognition to a woman of our town by its personal and labor trajectory, and this year the distinguished woman is Margarita Monera Martinez “, has concluded the councilor.
Oct 11, 2018 | News, Social Welfare, Women and Seniors, Uncategorized
Redován (11/10/2018). The City Council of Redován has approved in the Governing Board of today, October 11, 2018, the call for Social Aid IBI 2018 to which it allocates a total of 9,000 euros for families with less economic resources of the municipality can cover part of the receipt of the housing of habitual use that they have paid, or of the subdivisions paid this year 2018 of the receipt of this exercise.
These grants will be small grants of between 10%, 15% or 20% of the total paid, at most 100 euros.
The Bases and the application form are available to all residents of Redován, in the Social Services, the City Council and in the electronic website / transparency portal of the City Council at www.redovan.es.
The deadline to submit applications will be from 10/15/2018 and until 10/31/2017 (both inclusive). Before registering applications at the City Council it is advised that applications can be reviewed by social services staff. And for this they can go from Monday to Friday from 10.30 to 13.30 hours to the Social Services offices that are located on the ground floor of the headquarters of the La Vega Mancomunidad.
Regulatory basis for the granting of housing subsidies IBI Social in the year 2018.
Annex I. Application for IBI assistance.
Apr 18, 2018 | News
The General Director of the Valencian Institute for Women and for Gender Equality, María Such has visited the headquarters of the La Vega Commonwealth together with the Mayor of Redován and President of the entity, Emilio Fernández and the Mayor of San Miguel de Salinas, Angel Sáez to know in first person the process of implementation of the Equality Agency in the Commonwealth. The joint body has been integrated into the Valencian Network of Equality Agents with the support of the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies, which has granted an aid of 33,400 euros for the start-up of this Agency, specifically, for the hiring of a Equality Agent.
This year, this agency has been granted, for the first time, to four associations of the Valencia Community, among which is the La Vega Mancomunidad, the Commonwealth of the Ribera Alta, the Commonwealth of Safor and the Commonwealth of L’Alcoia and the Comtat. The purpose of the equality agencies is to promote and integrate equality in municipal policies and to provide specialized advice to women and among their functions will be to incorporate the gender perspective in municipal policies, boost the network, inform and advise women, in terms of guidance and social and labor counseling, in promoting women’s entrepreneurship, in supporting associations, in the prevention and detection of gender-based violence, in informing and advising companies for the implementation of equality plans and preparation of reports for obtaining the visa and the “Fent Empresa” seal, in the management and implementation of joint and municipal equality plans, in the realization of awareness campaigns on equal opportunities and other types of informative and informative actions from the gender perspective.
María Such, wanted to highlight “this is a commitment to bring and promote policies of equality and promotion of women to the local environment, which is the closest to citizens and for this, the mancomunidades play an essential role, so that These policies reach the smallest municipalities. In this pilot experience that is taking with the four mancomunidades, we wanted to count on the Mancomunidad la Vega for the good references that we have for its good functioning and for its work in equality “. Emilio Fernandez, President of the Commonwealth has indicated that “for us the granting of this Agency is a recognition of the intensive work that the Commonwealth has been doing to promote equality between men and women and incorporate the gender perspective to all actions that we carry out and in the functioning of the commonwealth. The Equality Agency is an opportunity to improve services to our citizens, companies and entities and will be an indispensable aid to move forward so that our community is more just and equitable every day ”
Mar 23, 2018 | Councils News, News, Social Welfare, Women and Seniors
The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández Escudero and the deputy mayor, Adrián Ballester Espinosa, met today with the Secretary of State, Mario Garcés, to present some projects and initiatives in social policies.
In the meeting, programs such as those carried out by the La Vega Mancomunidad have been dealt with by the Areola Solidaria projects and ‘No Tienes Permiso’.
Garcés is committed to transfer these initiatives to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and to subsidize actions against gender violence as well as to visit the Commonwealth.