Redován will adapt the new changing rooms of the Los Pasos Sports Center to people with reduced mobility

Redován 8/1/2019. The City Council of Redován finished the year with another good news, the concession, on the part of the Provincial Delegation, of a grant of 113,351.02 euros with which will proceed to the total reform of the locker rooms and the service areas of the sports center Los Pasos.

The Councilor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, emphasizes that this reform will allow the adaptation of the facility to people with reduced mobility, “something that we have taken into account from the City Council and that is being applied little by little in the different sports areas of our municipality so that they comply with the regulations and above all, to allow the use to all the people who wish it “.

The work will consist of the demolition of the entire interior of the current changing rooms, of which only the structure will be maintained. “From there it’s going to put all new toilets, showers, locker room, etc,” says the mayor, adding that the warehouse area will also be remodeled, the reception where the concierge and offices are installed, “with so that we can have modern and updated facilities available to our associations and groups. ” Ramón López hopes that the work can be undertaken during the first quarter of the year, since once the subsidy is received, it is the City Council that is in charge of the tender.

Redován submitted to the Provincial Council a budget of 109,664.80 euros for the work and 3,686.22 for the drafting of the project. The global is the amount that finally subsidizes the provincial institution 100% within the third call of the year 2018 of financially sustainable investments.

The sport of Redován opens the doors to functional diversity with the celebration of its popular race

This is the first time that this initiative has been carried out in Vega Baja, in which people with mental disabilities from the Videsalud Residence participated.

The municipality of Redován yesterday welcomed its Popular Race and did it by opening the doors to people with functional diversity. The Department of Sports added a test of 200 meters for people with mental disabilities, which makes the people of Redovana in the first of the Vega Baja incoporar this group in the local sport.

The mayor of the area, Ramón López, explained that “we are very pleased with this initiative, which has allowed 6 residents of the Residencia Videsalud who have mental disabilities have been able to participate in this race.” Lopez said that “there have been around 500 people who have participated and what we want is that this sports event grows over the years, and is also inclusive.”

The race also included, and for the first time, children’s categories. “We have exceeded our expectations as 200 minors have participated and we hope that next year we can overcome this figure,” said the mayor of sports. Regarding the higher categories, the winner of the 10 kilometer test was the local athlete, Álex García Carrillo, with 32 minutes and 25 seconds, and the winner of 5 kilometers was Francisco Javier Sánchez, with a time of 16 minutes and 55 seconds.

Lopez assured that “we are satisfied with the development of this race and we want it to become a benchmark, so every year we try to make the test integrate more people.”

More than two hundred children are part of this season’s School of Soccer Redován

Redován 10/23/2017. The strong commitment made from the City Hall of Redován by its Municipal School of Soccer is consolidated this season, as was demonstrated yesterday in the presentation of the thirteen teams that compose it. More than two hundred children, "there were 212 small summoned for the presentation yesterday," said the Councilor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, are part of the Escuela de Fútbol redovanense, and shared prominence with Redován CF, whose team was presented in the same act and then played his League game against Monforte who won by three goals to zero, "a triumph that witnessed from the stand the students of the school and their monitors, who were encouraging throughout the match," indicates the councilor.

The presentation was also attended by the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, and all the attendees shared a lunch that gave the Football School. Ramón López points out that the School of Soccer in Redován has two teams, A and B "in all categories of grassroots football, from Cherubin to Cadet."

Redován hosts this Sunday its VII People’s Race on the occasion of the local Fiestas Patronales

The town hosts this Sunday its VII Popular Race on the occasion of the Patron Saint’s Day. The appointment was presented this morning by the Councilor for Sports, Ramon Escarabajal, the mayor, Emilio Fernandez and the mayor of Fiestas, Nely Ruiz.

This year the Department of Sports has wanted to convey its support to the local athlete Alex Carrillo, a young promise. The poster announcer of the race is the local sportsman during one of his races.

The test of this year will begin at 10.00 hours from the plaza Miguel Hernández and will have a tour of 5 kilometers, one lap and ten kilometers, two laps. The organization will carry out a solidary collection of non-perishable food for Caritas de Redován, with the aim of distributing them among the most needy people. The food will be delivered just before collecting the number.

The test will count on supplies throughout the course, which will be totally level, and will have trophies for the top three men and women in each category. There will also be a prize for the two largest clubs.

Last year took place after the race a meal for all the attendants and public of a giant hamburger. This year there will be a free rice and beer paella for everyone.
Those interested can make their inscriptions, with a cost of 9 euros, through the web of ‘’. Entries will be closed tomorrow at 12 noon.

“This is a completely flat race, that’s why it attracts many athletes who try to beat their marks,” said Escarabajal and added that “we invite all the neighbors of the region to participate or to see this popular race.” The councilman also wanted to thank the collaboration of all companies, as well as local associations, Party Commission and Local Police, Civil Protection, among others.

For his part, the mayor, Emilio Fernández, has invited all the neighbors to enjoy a sporting event that every year “exceeds expectations.”