The Municipal Study Room of Redován can be open 24 hours a day thanks to a fingerprint system

  • The expansion of the Center of the Third Age opens its doors with the study room and the exhibition hall that dedicates to the local poet Joaquín Martínez
  • People interested in having access they will have to go to the Town Hall and register through the software implanted to read the fingerprints

Redován already has a new building Once started up, on Padre Manjón Street, the extension of the Center of the Third Age. Three floors of a building that lodge in the ground floor Municipal Archive and a multipurpose space and that since yesterday counts in its first floor with a Study Room 24 hours and in the second, a place to organize exhibitions that has been dedicated to Joaquín Martínez Martínez, “poet local already deceased with a very neat work and who was also the author of the letter of the anthem of the locality “, has specified the mayor, Emilio Fernandez. It was yesterday afternoon when the extension of the building officially opened with the opening of an exhibition by the veteran painter Joaquín Martínez Carrillo, son of the poet whose name has been given to the room, and María Escarabajal, a young painter, student of Fine Arts, who was author a few years ago of the cover design of the holiday book.

As a peculiarity, the mayor has given know the system that will allow the Study Room to be available of its users 24 hours a day, “since it is impossible to count on staff for the 24 hours, what we have done is to put in place a system of automatic opening with fingerprint “, the alderman has indicated. In this way, people interested in having access to this room will have to go to City Council and register through software that will allow you to read your fingerprint digital in the reader installed in the room. “Also, a camera has been installed which records people entering and leaving, “said Fernandez.

The expansion that now culminates with the opening of its three plants has been underway since 2011 when it opened there the municipal file. In total it has involved an investment of one million euros with the help of two plans of Works and Services of the Provincial Council Provincial de Alicante and the contribution of 200,000 euros from the City Council. In this last phase they have invested 450,000 euros and has acted on 270 meters squares. The mayor of Redova has assured that this municipal space ” It allows us to organize exhibitions and house those that request us, since until now we did not have a fixed place to carry them out, and especially response to a historical demand of our students, who already have a space in Redován to study, without having to travel to other municipalities, “he concluded.

The 24-hour Study Room and the Redován Municipal Exhibition Hall will be finished in two months

Redovan 27/02/2019. The works to build a 24-hour Study Room and the one that will be the Municipal Exhibition Hall of Redován, in the extension of the Third Age building, are going at a good pace and its completion is expected in about 60 days. This was explained this morning by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, who has visited the progress of the works that have an investment of 450,000 euros.

The work being carried out includes two plants with an area of ​​270 square meters. “This project began in 2011 with the extension of the Third Age building and the Municipal Archive”, explained Fernández.

The building has a total cost of one million euros, after all the work done over the past years and has been helped by two plans of Oras and Services of the Provincial Council of Alicante, providing the City Council 200,000 euros

The mayor has expressed his satisfaction that “we fulfilled a commitment with the residents of Redován who demanded a 24-hour Study Class so that our young people did not have to go to other municipalities to study in conditions”. Also, the mayor has stressed that thanks to this action “finally we will have a municipal exhibition hall to accommodate all kinds of samples.” In this sense Fernandez recalled that the municipal archive was installed in the first phase on the ground floor and said that “we are very sensitive with everything that surrounds the history of the municipality and that is why we wanted the archives to be in a place optimal for its conservation and study “.

Fernandez also thanked the Provincial Council of Alicante for their help to undertake works that “will improve the quality of life of citizens and once completed the neighbors can enjoy these facilities for many years.”

Redován launches the works of the Classroom 24 hours and the Exhibition Hall

Redován 25/10/2018. Redován will count next spring with two facilities that are in high demand by the population and have been persecuted by the municipal government for years. The Plan of Works and Services of the Provincial Council will make them possible with a budget of 450,000 euros and is about the creation of a 24-hour study room and another exhibition, on the second and third floors respectively of the former home of the teachers. The two new plants will each have an area of ​​270 square meters and will allow the installation of all the necessary furniture so that they can fulfill their function once the work is completed, something planned for the end of April.

This building, as recalled by the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, “was demolished in 2014 to start up a first phase of works that involved the expansion, on the ground floor, of the living room of the Cultural Center of the Third Age “. Fernandez explains that “what we do now is to complete this project that again has provincial funds and that has already begun to materialize so that it can be ready next April.”

The councilor assured that the 24-hour study room “will allow our students, especially our young people, to have a place to prepare their exams without having to leave Redován”, while the exhibition hall “is going to allow the City Council to promote, together with our cultural associations, the organization of artistic exhibitions of any kind and make our municipality become a cultural center for the Vega Baja. ”