• The works will be focused on renovating the pipe network, as well as the installation of valves and household connections.
  • The total cost of these improvement actions, included in the service concession contract, amounts to 372,400 euros

The Redován City Council and the municipality’s potable water service concessionaire, Hidraqua, have started to work this week to improve the town’s water supply network. These works, that began this Monday, were contemplated in the service concession contract, consisting of three actions to execute new channelings and replacement of pipes, sectioning valves and connections in the Camino del Motor, Jesús Jordá and Seis de Diciembre streets, as well as the upper part of the town near the mountains.

The mayor of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, has expressed her satisfaction at the start of these works, which will allow “offering a better provision of an essential service and much needed on a day-to-day basis for all the residents of Redován”. She added that “in this way, we fulfill the commitment that we proposed as a government with the assignment of the service to the concessionaire company”.

In this way, the installation of approximately 1.750 meters of new conduction and the renovation of some 390 household connections will be carried out, as well as in places where there were no registration elements, such as those found in poor state of conservation due to age and presenting obsolete materials and insufficient diameter.

These works will serve to improve water pressure and ensure its quality, as well as minimizing the number of users who will be affected in the event of any breakdown due to breakdown or maintenance. The total cost of the actions amounts to 372.400 euros, with an execution period of approximately four months.

For his part, the mayor of Municipal Services, Ramón Escarabajal, has stated that “these works are very important, since they come to solve a historical problem in the municipality, such as water cuts.” Escarabajal has assured that “our objective is to improve the quality of life of the residents of Redován, and that is why we are going to carry out these much-needed actions.”