The City Council of Redován has launched the fifth edition of the Solidarity Contest of Micro-stories ‘City of Redován’, an activity focused on “promoting literary culture while allowing to help the work of an organization that on this occasion will be the Spanish Red Cross “, Explained the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra. This contest has had since the beginning a great acceptance among fans of this type of literary works and from the Consistory hope that this year is no less. The term of presentation of the micro-stories is open from March 5 and those who wish to participate can submit their work until May 4.

The rules establish that any individual, over 16 years of age and resident in Spain, can participate. As for the prizes, two have been established with an economic endowment, a first of 300 euros and a second of 150 euros. In addition, the 25 works that the jury chooses as finalists will be published by the City Council of Redován, a copy will be delivered to each of the authors, “and precisely the collection of that publication will be what is donated to the Spanish Red Cross”, has precise Ezcurra. The jury will be made up of the mayor of Culture, the director of IES Redován, Antonio Moreno Menchón and Vicente Pina López, owner of the Códex Bookshop in Orihuela.

Regarding the requirements that are demanded, the texts will be free, but their extension can not exceed 150 words (excluding the title, which will not be computed). The micro-story must be sent in Spanish, it must be original and unpublished and it must not have been previously awarded in any other contest. Each author may send up to three micro-stories and must identify themselves with their first and last name. The works can be sent to the electronic headquarters of the City Council redovanense ( by mail or in person at the municipal offices, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday, including an instance with author data and title of the play. On a separate page only the work and the title. The complete bases can be consulted already in the bulletin board of the municipal electronic headquarters.

Clara Ezcurra has encouraged “all people who are lovers of literature and who like to write, to participate in this contest that every year grows in number and quality of the works.” In addition, he recalled that the 25 finalist works “will be published, in addition, for a good cause, as it is to help the much needed projects that the Spanish Red Cross has in place”.