The Local Police of Redován will already be able to carry out alcohol tests with reliable results thanks to the incorporation of a breathalyzer that the City Council of Redova has acquired with an investment of 7,000 euros that was provided for in the municipal budget.

This device, of last generation, has been delivered to the police by the mayor, Emilio Fernandez, and the councilman of Public Safety, Ramon Lopez, who has pointed out that until now “it was counted on a breathalyzer that gave an orientative result, although now as we have a modern, and above all approved based on the requirements of the European Union, you can know the exact blood alcohol level presented by people who are submitted to the tests.

The breathalyzer (model Dräger Alcotest 7510ES) will be added to the equipment already available to the Local Police to carry out its maintenance work in Redován. At the beginning of this year two defibrillators were incorporated and installed in police vehicles to act in case of emergency, as López Escarabajal recalled.

With respect to the ethylometer, it will be used both in the routine controls that are carried out to verify, for example, that the vehicles circulate with the documentation in order or that those who drive them do not do it under the effects of drugs and alcohol, “as in specific blood alcohol controls that are put in place as of now since we already have the necessary equipment to be able to carry them out with all the guarantees, “the councilor concluded.