Redován 26/12/2017. The Municipal Soccer Field Antonio Pascual Gil ‘Duana’ will congregate on Saturday to the promises of the juvenile and infantile soccer of the zone in the first Tournament ‘San Miguel Arcángel’ of Soccer Base in which funds will be raised for the work of rehabilitation of the parochial church of Redován. The Councilor for Sports, Ramón López Escarabajal, has presented this initiative today along with the parish priest, Eloy Martín, and the coordinator of the base football of the municipality, Antonio Fenoll, and has specified that the football from Redova, “like other entities and collectives, he also wants to lend a hand and join the call made by our parish priest to help in the important work that is being done in our temple, which is also one of the most important pieces of our heritage since it is one of the oldest buildings with which we have “.

The benefit will be obtained from the sale of ballots at the entrance of the football field, with which those who attend may also participate in the draw for several Christmas products to be held during the championship. The tournament will start at ten o’clock in the morning “and it has been thought of as a day of coexistence, because we will play the last games in the afternoon and we will also have the canteen service available for everyone who wants to stay for lunch, especially taking into account account to people who come from other locations in the Vega Baja “, said the councilor. On the other hand, the coordinator of the base soccer, Antonio Fenoll, has explained that “they will be eight teams of five clubs those that give appointment on the lawn”, the hosts of the FB Redován, the CD Beniel, the Callosa Sport, the Orihuela CF and Santo Domingo, “so we hope to have a great day of coexistence between football players and family.” The finals will be played in the afternoon, and the tournament will close with the presentation of trophies.

On the other hand, the parish priest of Redován, Eloy Martín, has encouraged not only the families of the soccer players, but all the neighbors, to go to the soccer field at some time of the day “to make this coexistence effective of which especially in these Christmas we like to enjoy with our families and our friends. He also thanked in advance the participation in the charity part of the event “because soon we will have our church back in use and we will know that we have achieved it thanks to all and to all”.