The president of the Mancomunidad la Vega and mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, has presented this morning in the Assembly Hall of the City Council of Redován, the adhesion of the commonwealth to the Strategy for the Promotion of Health and Prevention of the National Health System. The La Vega Mancomunidad is the first national association that adheres to this strategy.

This adhesion supposes the institutional commitment to implement this strategy in the four municipalities of the commonwealth. The strategy is based on national recommendations and those of international organizations to advance a health and care approach in all local policies.

The objective is to promote the health and wellbeing of the population of the commonwealth by promoting healthy lifestyles and enhancing the safety of all people.

It implies a work strategy where health is incorporated into local policies from a transversal, intersectoral, equity, coordinated and participatory approach in our municipalities. The local environment is, therefore, an essential environment to improve the health and well-being of the population.

The implementation of this strategy is an opportunity to integrate and coordinate health promotion and prevention efforts among all levels, sectors and stakeholders of the four municipalities., Working together to improve the well-being of our citizens.

Priority, the strategy will be implemented at the community level, preferably aimed at children under 15 years of age and pregnant women and that adult population, over 50 years old, being the main factors of work: the promotion of physical activity, the acquisition of healthy eating habits, the prevention of alcohol and tobacco consumption, the promotion of emotional well-being and actions aimed at safety in the environment.

The strategy will be carried out in different phases, initially, after the public presentation of the strategy, which we are doing today, the intersectoral tables will be established at the local level, in which the community agents involved in health actions will participate. : health, education, social welfare, urban planning, sports, and whose purpose is to adapt the actions of the strategy to the reality of each municipality, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the strategy in each municipality.

At the same time, the mapping of the health resources that are available in the community will begin, which will help us to have a detailed and exhaustive knowledge of the different resources and actions for health available in each territory.

Therefore, this commitment is made immediately in the constitution of an intersectoral coordination table at the local level and the elaboration of the map of resources of each municipality.

For Emilio Fernández, President of the Commonwealth, “this strategy for us is an opportunity, without a doubt, to advance local policies that impact the health and well-being of our citizens, to work together to make health accessible. to all people regardless of their social position or any other social circumstances that may arise.

The implementation of this strategy will mean the consolidation of an intense work that is carried out annually from the Commonwealth in which a wide range of health promotion activities is offered, aimed at active aging: senior school and workshops from physical activity to elderly, to improve the emotional and physical well-being of women such as emotional support workshops, Pilates workshops, yoga …, support for the family from positive parenting, family schools, prevention of addictions, with workshops for teenagers and schoolchildren.

These actions will be complemented with new proposals, both their own and those of other community entities, in accordance with the proposals of the different local health boards and the development of the strategy for the coming years.