The Redován Local Police have made a new arrest, in this case in the area known as Camino de Los Benitos, where apparently a man was trying to force the entrance of a house for occupation. The agents captured the alleged thief, who accused him of an alleged crime of robbery with force in the house he was trying to break into.

The events occurred during the afternoon of yesterday, Tuesday, when the call of a relative of the owner of the house alerted the Local Police upon hearing the blows that the detainee used to strike the door to force it open. The agents appeared at the scene, where they found the alleged perpetrator of the events trying to open the front door of the house with the help of a hammer and a chisel.

The suspect was equipped with a backpack in which, in addition to the hammer and chisel, he carried other tools, including screwdrivers and pliers. Finally, the agents proceeded to arrest the suspect, who has been charged with the crime of robbery in an attempted degree, and was placed at the disposal of the Civil Guard patrol of Callosa de Segura, who also went to the scene to proceed to the transfer of the man to the barracks after intervening the effects that he had in his power.

The Councilor for Citizen Security of the Redován City Council, Adrián Ballester, has highlighted the actions of the agents while highlighting the necessary citizen collaboration, alerting with a call of the facts, to achieve the arrest of this person. Thus, Ballester has reminded the public that before any event that may be considered criminal, it is very important to notify the Local Police at the phone number 608072253, “because the agents are prepared and have all the necessary material to deal with this type of situations ”.

At the same time, the Redován Local Police recalls that although this is an atypical summer, for the holidays it is necessary to take a series of precautions if we are going to leave our homes empty, such as checking that everything is perfectly closed or that it is not reported from vacation plans to anyone outside the family circle, at the same time asking someone you trust to empty the mailbox regularly.