The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, yesterday publicly asked the Ministry of Environment to act on the restoration project of the Sierra de Redován Public Mount. They called for her concert Environment, Ramon Lopez, and the independent deputy and spokesman for the Environment of the PP in Las Cortes Elisa Diaz, who became canalista in recent years Consistory Redovanense requests. Fernandez said that the City of Redován has since 2016 everything has requested from the Department of Environment, lowering to 125,000 euros the amount needed for the project that needs Redo to reforest the mountains and flora mantle of overstory ” we need to avoid runoff in the town in case of torrential rains, “said the mayor.

Fernandez has shown time his government team at the lack of action in recent years by the Generalitat, “because the plague of Tomicus destruenos wiped out 80% of our forest planted mass in the 50s last year precisely to prevent the rainwater from reaching the town, and have invested more than 300,000 euros in the affected pines that also constitute a serious fire hazard “. Thus, he explained that “all the documentation and all the projects that were asked of us have been presented, reducing even the cost for reforestation”. The surprise of the mayor and that led to his appearance yesterday was the letter received on March 29 “in which we were notified that nothing could be done with the excuse of the entry into force of the new Law on Public Sector Contracts , and that in 2019 we will see “. The councilor has said that “this is not the excuse to solve the problems that affect citizens, and we are seeing that the law ends and nothing has been done here”.

Upon notification from the City of Redován-mail was sent on April 4 “where we ask you to reconsider the position of the concierge, but so far not be answered or waiting to be played, so we will take the necessary measures because My case, as mayor, I have the obligation to defend the interests of my municipality. ” Elisa Diaz meanwhile criticized that has not been included in the budgets of the Generalitat in 2016, 2017 and even in this 2018 the necessary provision for undertaking the project affecting the Sierra de Redován and said entry force of the law is not an obstacle “because jobs have been contracted in other natural spaces of the Community under the Feder 20142010 Funds”. The regional deputy requested that the Generalitat Valenciana put the will “and make it on your list of priorities.”