• The second edition of this national competition has had a large participation, with a total of 10 works received

The City Council of Redován will announce the winners of the II national contest of pasodobles “Villa de Redován”, after the concert next Saturday, November 30 that will take place from 9:00 pm at the House of Music “Antonio Ibáñez Serrano ”of the municipality.

The four finalist pieces, “Shine like the light”, “Landscapes”, “Santana” and “Virguerías”, will be performed by the Musical Union of Redován, where a jury composed of three members of recognized prestige in the world of music will choose The winning work. Cash prizes amount to 1,500 euros, giving 1,000 euros to first place, 500 euros to second and nominative distinctions for third and fourth place. Likewise, the Musical Union, who also organizes the contest, will give a special mention to the piece they choose by popular vote.

“We are very satisfied with the reception this second edition has had,” said the mayor of Culture, Clara Ezcurra. “This is a contest of great relevance and nationwide, in which this year we have had a very large participation to receive 10 pieces,” he said. “It is certainly a contest that has become a benchmark among composers of this genre, since we have received pieces from all parts of Spain, such as Andalusia or Madrid,” added the councilor.