Redován 04/9/2021. The Redován Senior Citizen Center will be the epicenter of vaccination in the municipality once the massive vaccination campaign against Covid-19 for different population groups begins, from the Ministry of Health. The Redován City Council has made this building available to health officials "because it is central, it has enough space and we consider it to be the most suitable place in our municipality for this campaign," said the Councilor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez.

"As soon as we received the call from Health, a few days ago, from the City Council we have put ourselves to work so that everything is clean, disinfected and ready for vaccination," added the mayor. Last Thursday the mayor, Nely Ruiz, visited these facilities together with the heads of the Department of Health with head at the Vega Baja Hospital to finalize the details. The first councilor has assured that "from the Redován City Council we are at the disposal of the health authority with all the means at our disposal, because we are aware that leaving behind this crisis that has already lasted for more than a year passes by having as soon as possible vaccinated most of the population ”.