Redován Town Council has expressed its satisfaction at having a response to what has been, for almost a decade, one of the main demands of the Consistory to the Government of Spain: the construction of a roundabout at kilometre point 691.800 of the N-340. The mayoress, Nely Ruiz, recalled that both her predecessor in office, Emilio Fernández, and herself, have demanded this roundabout from all those in charge of the Ministry, the General Directorate of Roads or the Government Sub-delegation who have been in office since 2014. The roundabout will be built to the south of the crossing of Barrio San Carlos and will have two service roads on the margins to rearrange access to the industrial estate. The works include the conditioning of intersections, rearrangement of accesses and treatment of the crossing. For Ruiz, “this infrastructure is going to boost our industrial area, as it is located in an unbeatable location, with good communication with the A-7, and with the roundabout we will be able to make it more permeable and provide traffic flow, which is the only thing it lacks”. The mayoress of Redován wanted to recall all the work that has been done, “because the section of the N-340 that affects us has always appeared on the lists of black spots on the Spanish road network, and although the Town Hall has taken the measures that were in our power to attract companies to the industrial estate, and we have succeeded, you only have to take a look at our industrial area, having good access is also very important to continue to grow”. The works are in the tendering phase and will be executed together with a second roundabout in Albatera, at the height of the Mos del Bou Industrial Estate and with a joint budget of 2.22 million euros aimed at improving road safety and traffic functionality at intersections.