On this occasion, the school’s project seeks to instil in the school community four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to equality and education.

Redován 28/1/2022. RedovánpolisGo! The sustainable village is the project that has been launched this year by the Sagrados Corazones School in Redován and which has the support of the Town Council. This project, aimed at instilling in the educational community the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, has launched a ‘special mission’ on the occasion of the celebration, on March 8, of International Women’s Day and which seeks the involvement not only of students and their families, but of all citizens of Redován.

The ‘Special Mission 8M’ aims to meet four of the SDGs, those relating to quality education, gender equality, reduction of inequalities and partnerships for the goals. Rubén Ferrer, coordinator of the Agenda 2030 commission, explains that participating is very easy, “you just have to create a poster on real equality between men and women”. The aim is to get as many posters as possible expressing the feelings of women we admire, whether they are from our families, friends, colleagues at school or work, or celebrities. The idea is for each participant to contribute their opinion on inequalities, how we should treat each other and, above all, that no one is more than anyone else, as the new mission states. In addition, on this occasion, the Redován Secondary School is also taking part.

Marisol Ibáñez, from the Department of Social Services, explains that the Town Council usually participates in this initiative through other departments more related to environmental protection or the promotion of sustainable practices such as recycling, “but we are really excited to also collaborate from Social Services in a mission in which we seek the participation of groups and people of our municipality in general”. To this end, from the Consistory “we are going to publicise the mission through our communication channels, sharing this initiative on our social networks as well as collecting the work in the Town Hall”.

With a view to the 8M events, the councillor specified that the possibility of exhibiting the posters is also being considered. The works can be submitted in A4 size with the name and contact number on the back. Teachers, children, families and grandmothers from the Mancomunidad La Vega will hand in their posters at the school, and anyone else who would like to participate can leave them at the Town Hall. The deadline for submitting entries is 11 February.