The jury in charge of ruling the awards of the Solidarity Contest of Micro-stories ‘City of Redován’ has already issued its verdict. Among all the presented works the winners have been, with the first prize, the short story entitled ‘The birthday’, whose author is Sergio López Vidal. The second prize goes to Álvaro Giménez García, with the work entitled ‘Cultural Tourism’.

The jury was composed of Vicente Pina López, Antonio Moreno Menchón and the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra Riera. The meeting took place on June 15, in which the winners who now make themselves known were decided.

This micro-story contest has solidarity character also in this fifth edition. In this way, what is done is to publish a book with a total of 25 of the works presented, among which, of course, the two winners will be found, and the collection obtained through their sale will be destined, on this occasion, to the projects developed by the Spanish Red Cross.