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Town Hall

Redovan, bets on culture.

In the month of January, the activity of Pastors and Magi is prepared, where the youngest enjoy various activities, (Musicals, pasacalles, theaters). One of the most unique works is the representation of the so-called AUTO DE LOS REYES MAGOS; It is a work by ALFONSO X EL SABIO and that represents the birth of Jesus as well as the encounter of the Magi with Herodes all in verse. This work has been represented in Redován for more than 60 years.

The term culture has a very broad meaning, as well as the cultural agenda of Redován.

Practically every month of the year they contain cultural activities.

Christmas months are loaded with representations such as “the shepherds”, the car of the wise men, the visit of the royal paje, the parade of kings, etc.

Looking to the spring, we enter the cultural spring of Redován, which has more than a month of plays, zarzuelas, musicals, concerts, theaters for the youngest ones and, of course, without forgetting our holy week and , Then from the poet’s already famous path.

Summer is the time when children can participate in most activities, summer schools, music, sports and competitions. And so the time flies until September, the month of our holidays, in which you do not rest a single day and there is no place for boredom.

And after the holidays, when it seems that calm finally arrives, in October and November … we have more.

Above all, it stands out in November, the month of music, as important as our musicians from the musical union of Redován that celebrate a series of concerts and auditions on the occasion of Santa Cecilia.

The culture of Redován is also possible thanks to the neighbors of the town, those who collaborate in representations, who delight us with their music as the group “breezes of Redovan” and those that make it possible for us to enjoy every cultural activity of the year.

The main activities that are done month by month are:

  • January, “Mercado Medieval”, is the first one that is made throughout the region, having a large influx of visitors, it is held in the Plaza de la Paz (with activities for children and seniors).
  • From March to May, “Cultural Spring” is prepared, three months of cultural activities, including:
    • The “Sacred Music Contest”.
    • Children’s activities in Cuentacuentos
    • Outdoor painting competition, “Ala Prima”
    • Chamber music,
    • Pulse and punch shows,
    • Musical Concerts.
    • Leisure and leisure activities, for adults and children.
  • In the Months of October, November and December:
    • We have several Musical activities in charge of “Musical Union”, as it is November, the month of Santa Cecilia. (Patroness of Music)
  • December is a month full of cultural activities for adults and children.
  • The pulse and buzz orchestras “Brisas de Redován” act, and the pulse and buzz orchestra “San Miguel”.
  • Performance of the Redován dance group, “Christmas pasacalles” with Santa Claus.


Check our Cultural Agenda