Basketball School

Contact person for registration:

Javier. Phone: 618014504

Last year a group of kids from the institute had a need to play basketball, they got together, they looked for a person to train them and for the first time they participated in a non-federated league with teams from the area, 7 teams finished third. This year what is sought is starting from this base that already has with the team already in category “cadet” to form new teams starting from below.

After the good reception that had the days of basketball in school holidays of Easter of the previous course using the facilities of the school, it was observed that the basketball is a sport that likes and that is demanded since there were children who asked that when they could play another time.

This year, taking advantage of the start of the course, we want to encourage the creation of a basketball school made up of teams in 5 age categories (prebenjamín, benjamín, alevín, infantile and cadet in mixed categories all of them). Arrangements are already being made with different league organizers to see what is best suited to our school and to be able to participate in that league.

The training at the sports center would be distributed as follows:

  • Infant: Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM
  • Cadet: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday from 8:15 pm – 2: 45 pm


The trainings in the school would be distributed of the following form:

  • Prebenjamin: Monday-Wednesday from 5: 15-18: 15
  • Benjamin: Tuesday-Thursday from 5: 15-18: 15
  • Alevín: Tuesday-Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.