This is the third phase of forest improvement and restoration work in the mountains affected by the drought and plagues in the Redovanense mountain

The acting mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, announced this morning the tender for the reforestation project of the Sierra Redovanense “after four years of a lot of work in which we have managed to get the Generalitat to fully assume the project prepared by the Provincial Council”, said the mayor. This is the third phase of forest improvement and restoration work in the forest affected by drought and pests, especially that of the ‘tomicus destruens’ or ‘barrenillo de los pinos’ that has ended in recent years with a good deal of the forest area of ​​the municipality.

The project, as explained by the Councilor for the Environment, Ramón López Escarabajal, involves the reforestation of the entire area affected by the ‘tomicus’ plague and from which the dry pines were removed in previous phases. Especially in the upper part of the site of the Hermitage and the adjoining areas, and will involve the creation of new sashes to retain water and the planting of native species. The mayor stressed that during these last four years “have been invested in the Sierra de Redován, between the City Council, the Provincial Government and Valencian Government, more than 400,000 euros.”

The amount of project amounts to 127,224.83 euros and the execution period is twelve months. Interested companies can submit their offers until June 10 to two in the afternoon at the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Change Climate and Rural Development. The announcement of the tender with all the details it is available in the Public Sector Contracting Platform.