Archaeological richness

Since ancient times, different Mediterranean civilizations have passed through Redován: Iberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs, as evidenced by the archaeological sites found at the end. It is known that different cultures of antiquity lived on its mountain. The earliest evidence of settlement is the Bancalico de los Moros, Rincón and Cabezo all belonging to the Bronze Age. For what could be considered one of the oldest towns in the region, and important passageway of the peninsular southeast during centuries.

If there is also the toponym of Arab origin whose most plausible etymology is that referring to a Muslim military man named Reduan or Ridwan.

At its end, numerous archaeological excavations have been carried out in which during the last decade of the 19th century, an Iberian site was found, which attributed Greco-Latin import ceramics and figures in red and black varnish, Iberian ceramics and a series of sculptures Which were deposited in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Among these pieces stands out the Griffin of Redován, exponent of the Iberian sculpture. The work represents a “faucet” or fantastic animal, with bulging eyes, open jaws in the form of a beak, large eyebrows united, simulating a protohelenic, Cypriot or Phoenician palmetto, and on the cervix, denticulate crest, flanked by goat horns. This piece, along with a human head returned to Spain in 1941, passing to the Madrilenian National Archaeological Museum. In the Louvre of Paris still a fragment of vaccine head and a back of naked woman are conserved.